Sunday, December 16, 2007


"Gesamkunstwerk" is the first demo tape by Lascowiec, a mysterious black metal band from San Francisco. This was released just last year in a very limited number and is long gone and already highly sought after. The band released a couple of great cdr demos as Angkor Vat before changing to Lascowiec. Russian black metal bands such as Branikald and Forest seem to have made an impact on the two members of Lascowiec. Awesome, hypnotic and cold.


  1. Oh hell yes! I actually own this and am so happy to see that someone has uploaded it so that I can now listen to it somewhere other than the displeasure of my bedroom.

    The follow up, Gunshots Ring Out Over Vinland Streets, is even better!

  2. i got this off you the other day, thanks aesop, soon im gonna need a new hard drive.

  3. Thanks for this and all the other great music you've uploaded. Cheers!!

  4. Thank you for this. I've been borrowing this tape for like a year from a friend and am happy to see it in digital format. Great blog.
