Thursday, December 20, 2007

Glory On The Air

Glory were a long-running San Diego dude guy party rock band. Even though they had such a lengthy "career," the band never cut a proper album. Seems they just didn't care to so long as there was a cold one and a rolled one to enjoy on a sleepy, sunny 1970 Californa afternoon. Only because they decided to perform live on radio station KPRI did they ever preserve their laidback blues rock to tape. I'm rather glad that this is the way we get to know Glory, I don't know if a proper studio would have yielded such a warm, down-home recording. Even without the cover image you can almost see these five San Diego stoner surfer dudes crammed into a tiny room, some beers and a bong not far from the rock. One of the guitarists (Jerry or Jack) is naked because he just feels more free that way, and it's radio, nobody will know. When I listen to "On The Air" I know that I am hearing pretty much what I might have heard if I was one of Glory's surfing buddies that came along to hang out and get high. It's this personal quality that makes this such a charming and enjoyable album. Glory may not exactly be the MC5 or Zeppelin, but they are your bros, and they want you to have a killer time, and you probably will.

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