Sunday, December 9, 2007

Snort My Load

I never knew this record had a title, but I've seen it called "Snort My Load" on various sites. Nig-Heist were the greasy, long haired, pot-headed roadies of Black Flag. After many opening slots for their employers, Nig-Heist set out to be their own band, making this ugly record on the way. The music is fuzzed out, semi-impromptu stoner jams, and a few shout-outs to bad hair metal with ultra vulgar lyrics that might make The Mentors or The Meatmen blush a tad. You also get a cover of the Velvet Underground classic "If She Ever Comes." It would seem that Nig-Heist's sole purpose here was to offend somebody, anybody, but the at the end of the day it's a pretty fun listen. The album opens with "Life In General" where we get vocalist, Mugger's philosophy: "Everyone's got their religion and their god. Money and sex are what I abide by." To further set the tone, the album came in an unbleached brown paper bag-like jacket with some very disturbing art. Rumored to have been drawn by DEVO's Mark Mothersbaugh, but actually the work of Nancy Maurer. The cover depicts a ventriloquist's dummy getting blown by a little girl puppet. Wow. Get it here:



  1. I really enjoy what you are doing and support it fully, but please start using mediafire so people can come and download multiple albums. Would really help for the Korean stuff. Thank you.

  2. I saw nig heist twice live. It sure looked like it was some of the members of black flag switching instruments to me. Maybe a couple of people who were not in black flag. They were totally offensive. First time I saw them I went with this girl I knew. She was livid. They were totally insulting to the women in the audience.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I had some reason for not using Mediafire but I'll look into it again.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I had some reason for not using Mediafire but I'll look into it again.

  5. "I saw nig heist twice live. It sure looked like it was some of the members of black flag switching instruments to me. Maybe a couple of people who were not in black flag. They were totally offensive. First time I saw them I went with this girl I knew. She was livid. They were totally insulting to the women in the audience."

    I think maybe you missed the point... They were intentionally trying to insult you. They got off on that. Pretty much everyone was in the band, BF members and roadies/soundcrew and probably anyone else.

  6. When Mugger left SST he took his small 10% and went on to make a lot of money through stocks of the computer industry. The band was just fun, funny and silly. Everyone passed through in the line ups, even Chuck Biscuits played once or twice. The single is great to. aloha ha ha

  7. "Over there i, i see my name..
    Instinct tells me its time to fornicate!!"
