Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Part 4 of Cosmic Hearse's 5 part series of ZZ Top vinyl rips. Fandango was ZZ Top's half live/half studio album. The live side showcases their unstoppable energy, but what a lame choice of material, the studio side smokes, and contains some of their best work. Enjoy.


  1. the link doesn't work for me.

  2. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Fixing it now.

  3. I thank you SO much for taking the time & effort to rip the ZZ Top lps so they can be heard the way that they are meant to be heard. Way to go! Exactly what I was looking for. And thanks for using badongo so I can grab them up tonight!

  4. "Look, it's ZZ Top!... YOU GUYS ROCK!"

    "aCH..Maybe a leetle."

  5. been snapping up all of your ZZ Top vinyl rips this afternoon (thank you!), but i can't get this badongo link to work for the life of me...

  6. Hi,

    Love the effort you put into this. I too am a guy born after '75 (1981 to be precise ;-) and always thought ZZ top sucked ass, untill somebody pointed me to the first three albums on vinyl. I was hooked instantly. What a great band! The remixed CD's were a shock too. I still don't understand why on earth they thought this kind of treatment was a good idea. Thanks to your efforts I can finally listen to ZZ in my car!! Where they belong!

    I can't grab this one though. The badonga link is dead.


  7. Could you please re upload this,never knew about that six pack remix but had a feeling something was wrong when I heard driving while blind.
    Great blog by the way.


  8. Link to Fandango is dead as dead

  9. I'm sure you have better things to do, but could you please repost the ZZ Top albums that are no longer available. Thanks.

  10. C'mon man! Backdoor Medley is fukin' epic! One of my favorite live recording ever! I just want to know where the rest of the concert is? GottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladownGottamelladown easy baby!
