Saturday, February 2, 2008

Screams From The Gutter

Problems solved and I am back with Raw Power's classic "Screams From the Gutter." No big deal really, just one of the most amazing hardcore records ever. Raw Power always seemed on the verge of just exploding into utter chaos but they always managed to be hymen-tight. This album is a frantic whirlwind of Italian metal-tinged hardcore.



  1. Just posted another Raw Power album over on my blog,oh and the Wop Hour 7".I also pointed out your post.
    These guys were good people.

  2. Yes, an amazing record. which is why I chose as my punk site. This being my first punk record.

  3. hell yeah...this is ripping shit. KVHS used to play em all the time and wed tape that shit and listen to it all the time gettin stoned in El Pescadro (El Packabowload)Park..nice

  4. Hands down one of the greatest records of all time... hardcore or otherwise! I'm glad this wasn't the first punk record i bought cuz it woulda ruined everything else.
