Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day is Bullshit...

...and I'll be away for five days in Portland, Oregon, so no new posts until after President's day (also bullshit.) Here's the Nip Driver's great Pretty Face 7" ep from 1990 for you. I have a plane to catch.


  1. My mornings are empty without an update on the Hearse.

  2. Im listing to Tres Hombres right now and it rocks. "Beers Drinkers and Hellraisers"! Thats a band.
    So it got me thinking. How can they rock so hard? Thats actually a rhetorical question. I think. Thats cuz I know the answer. Theyre a three piece. Which leads me to my request. March is coming up and thats the 3rd month of the year so why not have more three piece showcases? Just a thought.

  3. Hm, this sleeve would make a very nice tattoo.
