Thursday, February 21, 2008


Veil is perhaps one of the best depressive black metal bands the United States has to offer. Dolor is the band's only release so far and it is epic and beautiful. Veil could almost exist in the same realm as post-rock bands such as Godspeed You Black Emperor or Mogwai. Dim the lights, light some candles and let the morose layers of this album envelop you. Here


  1. unholy fuck thats brutal
    thanks man
    see you on saturday!!!

  2. I'm going to be an ungrateful whiner, and ask if you can post in mp3 form rather than m4a, which is an asscunt of a bitch for me to convert to other formats.

  3. Todd, will keep this in mind in the future, but sometimes I just have what I have.

  4. kinda makes me feel similarly to the emotion upon completing a cormac mccarthy novel; namely, fucking devastated.

  5. my tears, they are so brutal.
    good one....

  6. thanks again, this destroys...

  7. for anyone having problems burning m4a download burrrn. its open source and works like a charm

  8. is this band NSBM? it came up on my media player as NSBM

  9. The sole member of this band is also a member of Xenophobia who are very NS indeed.

  10. if that band name isnt racist i dont know what is, ha ha

  11. Likin' this Veil. Saw Godspeed You Black Emperor once, I walked in and everyone was sitting on the floor(kind of hippy cult like),the band started playing and held my attention for a whopping 15 minutes,damn they were boring. Anyways maybe they'd be better to listen to at home. Did I mention I like this Veil?
