Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Key

The brilliant, and now defunct German fanzine Tales of the Macabre once wrote "You don't know The Key? Back to kindergarden, you poseur!!!" Truer words have never been written.


  1. It might be because I just listened to the whole god damned Into the Unknown, but after the first song of The Key you got me singin "Ooh heaven is a place on earth!"

  2. Greetings Aesop. I wanted to let you know that I've added your blog to the Various/Eclectic category of the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blogroll @ http://music-bloggers.blogspot.com as you requested.

    If you would like to help me out, you can do so by linking back to me. It isn't required in order to be on the list, but I would very much appreciate it. Thanks for the music you have decided to share here, and for the work that goes into keeping this blog alive. Take care.


  3. Thanks very much, I have added your link.

  4. Do you know what was the greatest aspect about Nocturnus? No one ever told them to grow out their mullets. They weren't ashamed.

  5. And knowing Mike Browning got kicked out of Nocturnus... Man, that's like Christian Vander being kicked out of Magma or Dave Mustaine being asked to leave Megadeth or... (113 other examples left out to shorten this post)

  6. Wow, I am REALLY digging this. The simple yet slick keyboard patterns intermixed with the shredding guitars, fierce riffs, great drumming- inspiring. Best of all, there is this bizarre alien abduction atmosphere to the proceedings. As though dropped into the bowels of some ancient craft right out of Giger's drawings, only to fall through one grimy trap door afer another. An endless series of descents.

    This blog is responsible for reawakening a passion for metal that I thought died when I was a kid. Thank you.

  7. Shit, I didn't think I liked death metal. Then I listened to this.
