Saturday, May 3, 2008


Necrite are a young Black Metal trio from San Jose, California. I recently saw these guys play here in San Francisco and was very impressed. Here's their new demo, Bereft of Hope. Recorded live in their rehearsal space a couple of weeks ago, it contains one long, very sinister track. The photo comes courtesy of Brandi Valenza, longtime Cosmic Hearse passenger and friend. 


  1. Awesome!

    Are there any more photos from this gig?

  2. There are on FLicker, I believe Brandi666 is the user name. Either way I'll tell her to contact you all. Thanks again for letting me post this, it's fantastic.

  3. Thanks! And really, thank you helping us spread the word about our new material, very much appreciated.

    Oh and if you're not aware, we're opening the Nokturne/Nuclear Desecration/Vietus Mortuus show at the Knockout on the 31st, in case you're interested in going.

  4. Yeah! I saw these dudes play in Oakland 2 weeks ago- great band.

    thanks for posting this.

  5. Just listening to this now, linked from the Draugar post. This shit screams!!!!!
