Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bogus Blimp

Bogus Blimp serve to inform us that not all that is Norwegian and sinister is Black Metal. In fact, it'd be hard to assign a genre to this amazing band. How about post-punk circus soundtrack surf rock goth? Now do I have your attention? Men-Mic is the band's debut, it's a grainy old polaroid of a record. It's obssessive and mysterious like a stalker you kinda think is hot. Enjoy.


  1. this one takes a few listens to sink in... but definitely enjoying it so far. a few "Ralph Records" moments in there too by my reckoning. thanks for this.

  2. This CD's a goddamned classic. Men-Mic was great too. They both blew my mind when they came out, but I was like 18 or something, and my mind was easily blown.

  3. Oops... I meant cords.wires was great too.
