Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Invisible Scratch Pickles

I don't know a whole lot about the world of underground turntablism and DJ culture, but I do know that I am totally in awe of the Bay Area collective of DJs calling themselves The Invisible Scratch Pickles, especially DJ Q-Bert. The guy is like the Gene Hoglan of turntables. And how fucking enticing are the covers of these two rare Japanese import cds? An obvious nod to Discharge and reminiscent of the Japanese hardcore aesthetic. Be warned, this is serious scratching, with little variation in the breaks. These aren't some cutesy, ironic mash-up party jams, this is deep, these are some of the best turntable wizards in the field doing fucking battle, like Saruman and Gandalf at Isengard. Definitely not for the casual rubbernecking gawker. Respect!


  1. hell yeah i'll check this shit out

    btw, we may need an imaginary drummer

  2. "Realities of War" revisited! Ah the memories of going to Western Manufactring on 9th St. to pick up studs for our jackets. Anyway I just came across these early Q-Bert tracks at I saw F.M. 2.0 a few times and they were great. A full metal/turntable band years before the genre was run into the ground.

  3. Thanks Paul for pointing out the F.M. 2.0 tracks, great stuff, and waaaay ahead of their time.

  4. you should check out some of the circa 98'-99' ISP home vids- fucking hilarious. damn this takes me back...

  5. Man if you could put up Invisibl Skratch Piklz vs Clams of Death, well that would be so awesome.
    thanks for the two you have put up!

  6. Robb, if I can find it I just might. Eventually I will post Q-Bert's meisterwerk "Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze"

  7. You, sir, are awesome.

    This blog is excellent.

    Thank you for the sharing.

  8. Awesome! Yes, I already have the Q-bert Vs. D-Styles (those covers are irresistible), but I have certainly never before seen or heard the Q-bert Vs. A Trak... A very nice find. Thanks!

  9. This stuff is amazing! I am instantly hooked. Media Fire is saying the link is broken for the D-Styles one. After listening to Q-Bert vs. A Trak I'm jonesing for more!

  10. Wait, scratch that (yes, pun intended). With some persistence, it worked for me after all. Thanks Aesop - this shit is dope!

  11. Have you seen DJ QBert's Wave Twisters? Here is a clip:

    You might be interested in the Bullet Proof Space Travelers. Similar stuff:

    Dig your blog...

  12. Haven't seen it. Thanks for the links.

  13. Hot Sauce in the Dickhole was always one of my favorite Scratch Pickles tapes. I think I still have it, the inlet is one hand-drawn piece of paper, cover art is awesome, basically summing up the album title.
    I remember Q-Bert put out that one record intended just for DJs - it was a compilation of various samples that were good to scratch on, like just noises and shit. Funny guys.
