Wednesday, July 30, 2008

special low frequency post

Earth's second album from 1993. The cover image really says it all. The hugeness and oppressive crush of the sky over a strip of insignificant land. A few horses and a tent, but those are details, and details are simply not welcome here.


  1. Pentastar really captured me. I felt droned to sleep on this one.

  2. I love this record! I was intrigued by the artwork and the description, and you're right - the cover really does say it all. It's like metal mood music to meditate to!

  3. Dlyan Carlson Rules and a lot of the artists like Sunn O))) and Boris owe a lot to his leanings and this album proves it. Massive walls of heavy feedback blissed out Doom! Enjoying Lava right now, your blog is the best thing since toilet paper. Awesome Dude Many Props!

  4. the new earth is fucking unbelieveable. in fact, its on the stereo right now. unfortunatley something went wrong with the vinyl pressing and its backed up. earth is ALWAYS better on vinyl. ESPECIALLY extra-capsular extraction and earth 2.

  5. damn.... "file not found - error 404"

    any chance you still have this? finally bought HEX, but i still need to hear this. thanks Aesop! glad to have you back in the states!!

  6. hello again from Biloela....!

    "link not found" for this file

    Spent all the working day listening to Cosmic Hearse downloads on the iPod.......please keep up the work.


  7. "link not found"

    ...but such details are meaningless

  8. as stated already, dead link! Every time I find this record on a blog the link is dead. why? WHYYYYY...I guess I could just buy it
