Sunday, August 3, 2008

Best Demo Tape EVER!

I'm not going to tell you too much about this one, don't want to ruin the surprise. Just trust me on this. I will tell you that Satan's Massacre were from New York, consisted of members King Evil and Black Legion, and they released Robbing the Graveyard and Raping the Dead, their only output, in 1986. This rip is unfortunately missing a track, but it is too amazing not to be posted. I have to thank Dave G. of the righteous Rocket Science blog for this gem. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it.


  1. I have no problem with you sharing this gem at all. Sharing is what it is all about when proper credit is given. I am still working on getting the missing track. My friend has the cassette and I will see him today actually. Maybe I can get him to look for it and hand it over.

  2. Aesop, good news is he still has the tape. Bad news is it will be a week or two before I have the tape in my hands. Once I have it I will rip it again and share the tape in it's entire glorious form.

  3. That's great. Any weird details as to how he obtained it, or about Satan's Massacre themselves?

  4. Sounds like a recording Jad Fair might have made after taking some REALLY bad acid and watching Cannibal Ferox ad nauseam. Incredible.

  5. You had me at RIP POSERS...

    Much Love to the Hearse!!!
    My friend away from friends!

  6. much like the "Asenheim" write up
    you had described as "outsider retard art"
    i put this in that same class

  7. All I know is my friend got the tape from another friend who got the tape directly from Satan's Massacre back in the day. If my friend has any details I will ask him to do a write up and include it with my repost of the entire tape.

  8. this demo is amazing in a totally retarded way.Aesop you have brought the goods once again.keep them comin'.

  9. Oh, wow! Listening to the refrain on Legions of Hell is just killing me! There are too many gems on this to note them all.

  10. Wow. That's great. I'd buy this if it got reissued on cd... Is that Beavis or Butthead on vocals??

  11. I wish someone would release it, with a dvd showing the making of and an exclusive 'Where are they now' feature.

    Seriously, someone needs to organize a Satan's Massacre tribute album.

  12. Sounds like Jad Fair if Jad Fair made cooler music.

  13. Thank you for bringing us these obscure bits of greatness

  14. wow. for lack of words.

  15. Only just managed to get Zshare working for me again now I've installed Firefox, so this is the first time I've heard it.

    My verdict:


    Thank you!

  16. Christ, one of the underground urban legends from when I was a teenager in the 80s! Nice up!

  17. Any way you could Re Up This on a different site. Zshare never works for me. By the way awesome blog
