Saturday, August 9, 2008


I can't thank former Roach Motel/current Drug Czars guitar man, Jeff Hodapp enough for the awesome package he sent me full of rare Florida punk, including this lost gem, The Doldrums demo. The Doldrums were a fantastic punk band from Gainseville, circa 85-86. I saw them once in Miami. I don't really know anything else about them. Maybe you do and want to tell me. Maybe you want to send me cool stuff.


  1. Dude, a lot of this stuff sounds wonderful. However, I seem to be having a lot of trouble downloading stuff from z share. It just sends me around on a loop.

  2. in a desperate attempt to score points for originality, i intent to leave a comment while downloading it and of course not having heard anything of it:
    it better be good fucker! :)

  3. While I appreciate you commenting, I can't guarantee you will like anything, but let me know what you think.

  4. Adrian, I checked all the Zshare links and they work fine. I'm at a loss.

  5. i thought it was pretty good, although i must admit i m a fan of your more aggressive and raw punk posts.

  6. Yes, these guys were more melodic. Kind of like a more rocking Articles of Faith. Not really hardcore, but still great.

  7. I used to see these guys every now and then around Gainesville, but usually they didn't open for the bands I was interested in. I had another cassette of theirs around somewhere. Unfortunately I have no way to convert tape to digital (yet).

  8. Brekinapez, I would be most grateful if I could get a rip of that tape when you get it. Thanks for the info and for reading.

  9. I can't guarantee a time frame, but when I get it done (and the tape isn't too wrecked from age) you'll be the first I tell.

    And if anyone has advice for cassette tape-to-digital transfer, I'd appreciate any help or links.

  10. Cool. I have used one of these Griffin iMics. it was okay, not great but cheap and easy to use.

  11. this band was cool, turned into the band Radon if i recall correctly....thanks!

  12. Hello,I was the drummer for Doldrums.We put out a 4 song ep for No Idea and then broke up before it was released(how punk is that haha)Russell and I then formed a band called Stabilizer with Brent who went on to form Radon later on.Anyway glad you liked the tape,it was recorded on a 8 track in a friends room he had set up for recording.I never thought we fit in with any group,ie punk,hardcore,etc.. we had a lot of old rock influences,like melody,dynamics etc..but loved the rawness of punk and hardcore.So it our blending of all of that and the music was the end result.Take care and have fun...Victor

  13. Very cool, Victor, thanks for writing. I saw you all at least once at The Cameo Theater in Miami. Yes, it was a unique band, especially for the time and place.

  14. Fantastic blog. The Z-Share page is cycling. Please repost this. I MUST HEAR IT!!!

  15. This is fucking fantastic - please post more related stuff as it becomes available.

  16. Doldrums were a great band to see live. I remember seeing them at The Bar and at Acrosstown Repertory Theater. Good stuff. One of their songs ("All that Shimmers") was used in "Twisted Issues" a movie by Charles Pinion (a minor underground film-maker)...singer had a small role in the movie. Other bands I wish had recorded from that same time and place include Corrupture, Raging Pus Bags and Mutley Chix. D.

  17. Thanks for posting this! Saw these dudes many years back at the old jtjc in tequesta, I think they played with the raging pus bags if memory serves.

  18. This is Sid from the Raging Pus Bags. The Doldrums rocked and so did the Mutley Chix. There were lots of good bands in Gainesville at the time. I think Gainesville, Florida was kind of a precursor to the Seattle hardcore and grunge scene. Should have been more bands making it from there. After our band split up Rodney Perry went on to play in Meatlocker, Pat Ranieri went back to Hellwitch and Rob Rampy went on to play with D.R.I.

    Pat has videos of the Pus Bags of when we played Pompano Beach and Cameo Theater in Miami but other than that and a couple t-shirts I haven't heard of any of our demos surviving. - Sid
