Thursday, August 28, 2008


Back when I posted Rocket's "best of" collection titled Galactica, some of you expressed some interest in hearing more from the greatest French new wave, space rock band ever... so here is their debut album from 1976. This one shows Rocket's more prog and hard rock leanings than their later '80s stuff. Perhaps this is why it is the Rockets album I reach for most often.


  1. What no love for this one? Seriously?

  2. Man, I tried but I can't play those M4A files,you've had a few of those lately,i think the Seance one and some others So I'm gonna go swipe a program from staples that will play both,if one exists.I really don't know. I'll look for another link elsewhere,do you guess there is one.Darrylynn starts Kindergarten tomorrow,crazy...........Troy
    Let me know if these links work,it's that Ambush album and One By One's Lp. Really,even if it takes a while, if you get a good hour/ hour and a 1/2 to dedicate to Lach!,I don't think you'll be dissapointed. If it doesn't work,tell me and I'll figure it out.

  3. Troy, I will try in the future to post mp3s but these files should work with iTunes either way. Thanks for the links.

  4. Wasn't sure of this at first, but I am really digging is almost a disco take on krautrock, but I hate to openly credit disco for anything. Strangely, it reminds me of the Andromeda band from the "Space Rockers" episode of Buck Rogers. I have a feeling the cover may have influenced Kool Keith's "Black Elvis/Lost In Space" artwork. Good stuff, as usual.

  5. in reference to the comment above, I think the m4a files sound much better.

  6. Uhh...I dont know about this one. Im not hearing the hard rock leanings. I like to dance to disco but I guess I was hoping more to rock out sci fi style with this one.

  7. There's definitely some disco, but I hear a bit of KISS style hard rock in there as well, not say Black Sabbath hard rock. It's alos easy to see this as a bit heavier when weighed against their later material, which will eventually be posted as well.

  8. Oh man. I love JP Massiera's productions (Les Maledictus Sound, Chico Magnetic Band, Horrific Child...) Thanks for this one.

  9. I'm on board from the get go, this is great.

    Am I the only one who loves Metal and Disco?

  10. Cool record. I definitely can hear a little KISS...

  11. Nope, there's great metal AND disco... ;)
    Just bought a single from Rockets, but I've seen albums from them on ebay costing 30/40 Euros... And there's not much of them on offer at all unfortunately...

  12. Awesome! Saw this one at a record show recently and really wanted to pick it up, but it was way too expensive ($75 I think). The cover alone almost makes it worth that much.

  13. I blame and thank you for getting me hooked on Les Rockets. Completely ridiculous, and I love 'em. How could that silver facepaint not cause any health issues?

  14. Shucks! The link died. Any chance of a re-up? Much thanks! Great blog by the way...
