Thursday, August 7, 2008


Tenebre, another Dario Argento horror classic. Like most Argento work, it marries a great soundtrack to amazing visuals and buckets of gooey red sangre. I found Tenebre to be a bit confusing and unclear about who the murderer is, but who fucking cares when you get flawless cinematography, beautiful interiors and more than a few stunning Italian babes. Oh, and that funky, creepy accompaniment of Goblin conspirators Simonetti, Morante, Pignatelli. Let's not forget about that, it's why we're here.


  1. Oh Lord,those Italian babes.........

  2. Third favorite Goblin score!
    The score was credited to each individual member because they mostly hated one another and didn't want to be considered "a band".

  3. Wow, Roger, I dodn't know that. I have seen a great vinyl version where the members are posing with Dario Argento and it is one of the greatest moments in hairstyling I have ever seen.

  4. Not as good as the score to Dawn of the Dead but close, I should see what other movies they created scores for.

  5. Here's all the Goblin related Soundtracks I know of...

    Profondo rosso
    Solamente Nero
    Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)
    Amo Non Amo
    Squadra Antigangsters
    Buio Omega
    La via della droga

  6. This is the definative Goblin Score. Tenebre is my favorite of all Argento films. I can watch this and listen to the soundtrack everyday. The theme makes me want to dance and then go out and slash somebody up with a straight razor. Or slash somebody up with a staight razor while popping and blocking on the dance floor. whichever comes first.

    Aesop, I love the blog

  7. Thanks, LGT. Checking yours now, and it looks good. Tenebre, not my favorite Argento film, or Goblin Stk but still worthy of much attention and praise. Still searching for the Inferno score.

  8. thanks for the list aesop. I have not heard of most of those movies but I shall be checking them out

  9. Another Excellent Score is Luico Fulci's The Beyond by Fabio Frizzi. Amazing! A few more OSTs from Goblin to mention Include Roller (1976) and Perche Si Uccidono (1976). Both around the time of the Profondo Rosso Soundtrack respectively but completely different. These albums are majorly fun, kinda pretty and not so scary. Can anyone say Italian Prog Rock! I got a copy of the Inferno Soundtrack if you need it dude.

  10. Yes, Roller is way cool and will be up here eventually, as well as The Beyond. Not familiar with Perche Si Uccidono, I would be most grateful for Inferno. Next to Suspiria I think it's Argento's best film. Thank you.

  11. Yes, I agree. I tend to gravitate towards Inferno more than any other Dario Release. I just love the colors and its seems to have a mood wholly unto itself. Great late night viewing. I def. love Phenomena very much as well though. Come on, fucking jail bait Jennifer Connelly? Sweet! JK, HA. How can I get a copy of the Inferno ST to you dude?

  12. Aesop, I have a huge Soundtrack archive, so if you need anything just send me a message and I'll send a list of the stuff I have.

  13. You could upload it to Mediafire of ZShare and post and send the link to:


  14. LGT, I could go for a Deep Red score?

  15. Aesop,

    I will get you the Deep Red album asap. I'm getting ready to go to my day job so when I get back I'll try to have uploaded and ready to send you.

  16. The Zshare file on this is acting up. Thanks for all the music Aesop btw. Really been opening my already eclectic musical tastes these past 6 months or so.
