Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Genesis of a Satanic Race

This album has one my favorite covers of all time, an angel and a nazi in gas masks stabbing Jesus on the Cross with the Spear of Longinus. The idiotic, haphazard genius of this drawing compliments the idiotic haphazard genius of Lust, one war-crazed Canadian going by the extreme moniker of Sabazios Diabolus. Lust is frantic and unrelenting. Sometimes the tempos seem to get out of control and the whole song will crash into incoherence only to return to some sort of recognizable riffing. The vocals are hellish, tortured howls. Together the vocals and music make for a gloriously chaotic stew of hideous war metal insanity. Not to mention the strange between song interludes. So weird, so far beyond any sort of reason, Genesis Of A Satanic Race is a treasure of bizarre outsider metal that needs to be experienced. I imagine this what Blasphemy might have sounded like if they had ingested a goat's skull full of PCP before recording Fallen Angel Of Doom. Mandatory!


  1. yup, this band is cool, and, along with Axis of Advance and RotD, one of the few bands doing this Blasphemy-styled stuff in an interesting fashion.

    e normous

  2. this is fucking amazing!!! thanks Aesop. Chaotic war metal at it's best. and you tracked it in with the year

  3. Blast this at volume 10 and howl along with Sabazios' demented vocals. There are great riffs buried everywhere amongst the chaos. This is like nothing else ever recorded. If you don't like it you're SO SOFT!! Cheers Aesop!!

  4. please post more of this band they are rule!!!!

  5. Indeed they are, but I don't have the other releases.

  6. gotta admit the "howling" vocal parts give me a bit of a snicker, but otherwise this is some seriously kick-ass stuff. not that i should be surprised by that considering i got it from the mighty Hearse ;)

    thanks as always

  7. Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha. Ha? The Nazi Occult Metal song is great, with the three vocal tracks. I'm convinced, Sabazios. I will go to the realms beyond and like, battle everything in the name of Hitler(-itler, -ler, -er). Can I borrow your spear?

  8. I'm loving this... trying to figure what this instrument is toward the middle end of the second song? Violin, accordian, some strange guitar tone?

  9. i like how the horse has a gas mask too. awesome shit, thanks!

  10. Mickthrone and anyone else interested - I will go ahead and post the Lust/Anael split in a week or so. Need to figure out how to make .zip files and then I'll get it up on my blog (as the first post).

  11. msotbg, that would rule. There is also another full length if anyone has it and cares to share it.

  12. msotbg please let me know when you post that shit!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Nick, use that really cool "following" feature Blogger offers. Enter your favorite blog's urls and get the updates automatically.

  14. what? i'm an idiot. how exactly do i do that?


  16. Cool, Nick, you got it. Now add MTOBG's url...

    MTOBG, now get cracking on that blog.

  17. ah, come on! that thing is hilarious!!!
    the music is kinda cool but the vocals?!?!?
    its so funny!!!
    thanks aesop

  18. I don't know, seems pretty much unlistenable to me. I haven't made it through a single track in its entirety. Oh wait, "Iron Warfare" just ended, but that's because I got up and left the room for a bit... Glad that other folks appreciate it, though. The Hearse brings something decaying and nasty for all of us!

  19. This is a great album. Some people don't like it because of the vocals but all of it blends well together to form some abrasive cacophony à la Sad Ex. Vinland Winds had a bunch of the red LPs leftover but now the label/distro is gone.

    The split with Anael and the CD "Annihilation...Resurrection" are both good as well.

  20. Rich, the founder/proprietor of Vinland Winds died a couple of years back. I have one of those LPs. Annihilation...Ressurection is the other full length I was thinking of. I don't have that one.

  21. I can post one of the demos if anyone wants? give me a few days to dig it out

  22. I don't have a problem with his howling.

  23. Yeah Rich died a couple years ago but Paul was still running the distro up until July 31st of this year and he had those LPS still.

  24. LUST/ANAEL split up right now. Go give it a listen. Download the interview too.

  25. i know, i know, i'm late to the party on this one, but the files have been deleted from zshare (along with a few others like the debauchery 'dead scream symphony' cd)...maybe 'cuz they don't keep downloads after 60 days... any chance of a new upload? thanks for all the great music.

  26. looks like this one needs to be reloaded. I love to check it out.

  27. sounds like the soundtrack to "Custards Last Stand." Frickin howlin' indians in corpse warpaint in a frenzy of white man's blood. Absolutely RAWKIN' !!!!!
