Sunday, November 23, 2008


Woodsmoke is an interesting label out of Salem, Oregon that specializes in fantastic lo-fi tapes from a number of doom, drone, and black metal entities like Leech, Soleil Noir, Mania, Ancestortooth, Dusk Summon, Vault Dweller, Destruction Ritual, and münn. Here I present the münn cassette in its hypnotic entirety. I guess Woodsmoke is too cult for a website. Anyone desiring more information should write to them, perhaps they will reply.

322 23rd St. NE
Salem, Oregon


  1. MANIA is fucking rule. download all their shit

  2. If you're at all familiar with the place, it's a little hard to imagine anything remotely cool coming out of Salem, Oregon. But if anything were going to come out of Salem, Oregon, it makes sense that it would be doom.

  3. Salem Oregon gave birth to the THRONES! Have you seen the life size bronze statue they erected in downtown Salem? Joe with his double bass guitar in full bronze glory! Epic! Best Salem tourist attraction I tell ya!

  4. this tape is absolutely fucking incredible!!!

    if you have any other stuff by this band or label PLEASE post it up for us!

    totally awesome find

  5. Woodsmoke has the same postal address as Dead Earth Records, whose website is here:

  6. CDG, I'll be damned. Good to know, thanks.

  7. amazing friends and musicians. many more good things to come from woodsmoke, that is a promise. the pacific northwest black/doom/grey scene is in bloom. this is proof.

  8. Dead Earth Records has nothing to do with Woodsmoke. Do not contact either label for information regarding the other.

  9. Post more stuff from this label.

  10. Do you have anything els from this label or have any intentions on getting anything els from this label?

  11. Yes, there will be more Woodsmoke stuff here.

  12. which Destruction Ritual release do you have? please post!!

  13. This tape is great. This is how slow terror doom should sound, just naked to the bone pain. Reminds me bit Monarch! - S/T CD. Thanks for this.

  14. Makes Sunn 0))) sound like Nirvana. Great band. Cheers for uploading...

  15. I downloaded this a long time ago and thought it was pure shit, now that I am re-listening to it, I could not have been more wrong.

    I just had to give it a chance, this is like incredible.

  16. Really incredible. Would love to hear more Woodsmoke

  17. shit, this is exactly what i needed. sooo good. i'm really not sure how i survived without this blog.

  18. This Band Sux Monkey Balls. Fuck Woodsmoke, fuck them in their stupid asses. Fucking Posers!

  19. salem has always had some small pockets of goodness. i used to do house shows out in keizer, and had lots of different bands play, because there were always the jaded, angry kids like one arm and dead(def leppard referencing thrashy hardcore), sector 7g that was sludgy, or my old band that was a pretty blatant hellnation ripoff, to cold dead handz who are straight up hardcore... but for every leech, mania, etc. there are ten bands who sound like creed, tool, and now i imagine, nickelback. i got the fuck out of there as soon as i could. i cannot give enough props to the kids who run woodsmoke for their work to create something in that shithole.

  20. God, this is so emotionally exposed that its confrontation is double-layered, both in vocal content and musical. Neither camp can contain its bitterness fully. Completely tremendous. Thank you for giving this effort the chance to reach a few more people, it deserves it!
