Monday, January 19, 2009

Angel of Mercy

Here's a rare and odd bit of American-made prog-metal that might have slipped under your radar, Angel of Mercy's 1987 album Avatar. Angel of Mercy were an ambitious power trio from Las Vegas who remind me a bit of early Manilla Road and the cult Italian band, Dark Quarterer. Like the aforementioned bands, Angel of Mercy seemed to get a lot of mileage from their old Rush albums. Kind of hard to figure out why record nerds aren't singing this album's praises today. Perhaps now they will.


  1. you had me at manilla road. then you had me again at dark quarterer. downloading the fuck outta this!

  2. Sounds right up my alley. Thanks.

  3. I'm gonna download this shit SO hard! I love the covers of all these under-the-radar 80's bands. that cheesy airbrush/paint style that pays no attention to proportion or perspective, or any other artistic principles that start with "p".

  4. The cover reminds me of the side panel of one of those really crappy '80s video games.

  5. shit, it seems like half of the music and lyrics were ripped directly from 2112

  6. holy balls... I want that dagger!

  7. A great album, highly recommended! I have the lp version, but does anyone have live/rehearsal tapes, unreleased material?
