Thursday, February 26, 2009

Knuckle Noise

Perhaps one of the finest releases from one of my favorite labels, Fossbrenna Productions. Knokkelklang's 2008 cassette Kalk & Aske is a lumbering umber hulk of depressive, layered Black Metal. Not unlike the pensive post-rock leanings of Veil or Marblebog. Knokkelklang are more despondent than hateful, more dejected than misanthropic. Nice to hear some Norwegian bands that still understand the importance of mystery and obscurity in Black Metal.


  1. good rhythms! droney but in the way i like. i wish there were more bands like this. and better than their demo!

  2. ...on the subject of Norway, Faustcoven are really good.

  3. I actually live in Trondheim and I do not know half of these bands. This is real good stuff as well ... embarrassing on my part.

  4. This is great. One of my favorite BM posts I've found on here. Do you have anything else by this band?

  5. Thanks as always. -j

  6. Amazing, thanks aesop!

  7. I was looking for this demo, Existenz was really good. Only one complain... This demo is not complete it's supposed to be 37 minutes.

  8. I ripped this from my own copy. That was all there was. I know it doesn't match what Metal Archives has for info but...

  9. thanks so much, it is beautiful in its own despondent way...lovely layers

  10. Well, matching or not, this is excellent stuff, thanks for this awesome material, I praise thee :)

  11. Very, very good. Thanks so much for these recordings.

  12. damn amazing ! listened to it twice, along with all the stuff i downloaded this last week on your blog. i LOVED the Persona album!!!

  13. I found this on your blog only about a week ago and I hate myself for not seeing it sooner. I have listened to it every day since, over and over and shown every one I know whether they like it or not. It gives me goosebumps. Fan-fucking-tastic find! You're the shit.
