Thursday, February 5, 2009


Weird, lo-fi, Brazilian psychedelic interludes that never really develop into anything. Almost like jingles, or vignettes from a Zé do Caixão film. I know very little about this other than I love it. I guess the band was called Persona, the album was called Son and this was released in 1975.


  1. I know I sound like a broken record sir, but I just totally dig the words you put to your posts, even when they're short like this one. Wish I had the space on the hard drive to download everything you upload. Thanx for your time and energy.

  2. I never tire of hearing it. Thanks for commenting. Get another hard drive, there is plenty more in the works.

  3. I'm still reeling from the Question Mark release. Thanks as always. I will check this release out at some point. jabladav

  4. I love the drums on "fogo" before the guitar comes in, will sample some of that!

  5. That is album art of some serious awesomeness.

  6. love this album! i think it's called Som, not Son, however. nice work though.

  7. I follow the Hearse quite steadily, but there's usually a pretty substantial lag-time between when things are posted and when I manage to digest them. Hence, I comment long after anybody cares. Anyway, this is honestly one of my favorite things I've heard here. I don't quite know how to describe it, but there is something really weird and cool about this record. I loved it the first time I heard it, which is rare for me. Thanks for another great, obscure release that I never would have found otherwise.

  8. Arend, it's never too late to comment. I'm glad you are appreciating this one, I love it so. You should check out Zé do Caixão (Coffin Joe) films if you haven't. For some reason this album reminds me a great deal of those films. Vaguely druggy, vaguely creepy, vaguely sexy and all Brasiliano!

  9. awesome band,i'm from brazil and never heard about them..beginning the search!!!

  10. i keep listening to this... so bizarre... so great!! thanks aesop!!
