Sunday, March 8, 2009

Black Power

The next Cosmic Hearse Zamrock offering, The Peace's one and only album Black Power is the rarest of African psych treasures next to Blackfoot's The Footsteps album. Like all things Zambian I've posted here, the recording is stark, honest, and totally mesmerizing. If anyone out there can satisfy my endless jones for obscure African psych I would greatly appreciate it.


  1. Thanks for all posts, your blog is really cool!Greetings from Italy

  2. yehaw! more zamrock! you just made my day!

  3. Group Inerane: Guitars
    From Agadez

    great stuff, thanks

  4. great stuff once again...if i ever get ahold of a time machine, i am definitely heading to 1970's zambia

  5. Yeah, I can get behind this. Good vibes and mesmerising hooks = good times for all!

  6. The Bricks and Mortar blog posts some Zambian treats from time to time, mr brooks could probably help out in your quest.


  7. track listing:

    A1 Get On The Way
    A2 This Is The Time Now
    A3 Ubalwa Ne Chamba
    A4 Black Power
    B1 I Don´t Know
    B2 Peaceful Man
    B3 I Need Mercy
    B4 I Have Got No Money

  8. Just found your blog today...thought you might like this African Psych soul comp I put together, some cream from other comps but some rare stuff too like the Funkees version of "Slippin into Darkness."

    Greetings (edit) - Joni Haastrup
    African Dialects (edit) - Peter King
    Disco Africa - Ogyatanaa Show Band
    Olufeme - Oscar Sulley & The Uhuru Dance Band
    Funky - C.K. Mann & Carousel
    New Bell - Manu Dibango
    Allah Wakbarr - Ofo The Black Company
    Dye Dye - Segun Bucknoor
    Make It Fast, Make It Slow - Rob
    Ifa - Tunji Oyelana and the Benders
    Love's the Real Thing - The Super Eagles
    Petit Sekou - Bembeya Jazz National
    Slippin Into Darkness - The Funkees
    Ojinga's Own - The Yoruba Singers
    Psychedelic Woman - Honny & The Bees
    Baki Mutane Nakuka - The Black Souls
    Black Poem - Moussa Dumbia

  9. Wow,Axissixa. This is great stuff. I really appreciate it.

  10. you might also check out, he's got heaps of good stuff on there.

  11. damn dude. this album rules so hard. thanks again for loving music.
