Thursday, April 16, 2009

Friends of Hell

Heavy riffs, stupid pseudo-Satanic lyrics, and imagery that is a cross between a Hammer Horror film and a Benny Hill sketch, Friends of Hell is the far superior Witchfinder General record, in my opinion. I'm sure the refined readers of The Hearse already know this one front to back, but perhaps you needed reminding.


  1. my favorite NWOBHM album. Love On Smack is my favorite song on this record

  2. AHHAHAHAAHA!! You know Benny Hill?

    Now I have the music of the TV series going through my head. I wonder if there has ever been a balck metal cover of that tune...

  3. Hell yeah, look at those bombers!

  4. I feel like the Mentors could have been referenced when talking about the imagery. Or maybe Somalian pirates.

  5. Somali pirates are too trendy right now. Yes, on the Mentors.

  6. Witchfinder General fucking rules. period. although this is a better record, Free Country on Death Penalty is lyrically one of my favorite songs of all time.

    mushroom tea, a toke of weed, amphetamine is real good speed. look out for me, let's trip on LSD!

  7. Death Penalty is the better album I think,'Free Country' is ma jam. But this one is great too.

  8. heavier than it looks
    lyrics that hit near-spinal tap
    how do I make an "n" with an "¨"?
    ridiculous cover
    nice gams

  9. i have to disagree and say death penalty is the ruler. so many killer cuts "burning a sinner", "free country", shit, really every song rules.
    friends of hell has some jams on it (love on smack has already been mentioned, R.I.P.- cowbell!) but man, "Music"? what the fuck were they thinking man??

  10. Unrelated to this topic, and I feel like a tool for asking this, but Aesop if you take requests I'd love to see you do a writeup on Satan's 1983 album Court In The Act. am i just too high and paranoid all the time or does that album criminally get no verbage anywhere, and i mean listen to it! who else was rocking like that in '83? am i crazy? anyways yeah, heres at least one comment if you post that one. respect

  11. STrange you should mention that one. Reader J.H. was asking my opinion on that one the other day, and while I am aware of it, I am not all that familiar with it. He was shocked and a bit offended. So I have every intention of picking it up and getting some time with it. Perhaps if it inspires a rant you'll see it here.

  12. Love on Smack is classic, good call!

  13. double plus good record! This record opened the door to early doom/great music for the woman of my life.
