Sunday, April 26, 2009

Group Sex

Not long ago a friend of mine invited me to go see one of my favorite local bands, Burmese. I really wanted to go but was a total pussy and stayed home instead and watched bimbos compete for love on VH1. I felt pretty douchey about it too, but what made matters worse was the text he sent the next day reading "Burmese played the Circle Jerks Group Sex start to finish last night. That's it." Well, then I felt like I really missed something rather special that will probably never happen again. So embittered and crestfallen I decided to spin Group Sex for the first time in about fifteen years. Yeah, it still totally rules. Deny Everything!


  1. Did you hear they're gonna make a "Danzig of Love"?


  3. This album rules so hard, but it's the only Circle Jerks album I can really enjoy from start to finish (though I am one of the few who really liked their reunion album from the mid 90s). It's sort of like when David Lee Roth made Eat 'Em and Smile and it was way better than 5150, but then he got progressively worse with each album after that. Same sort of thing w/ Keith Morris vs. Black Flag.

  4. unrelated but you might want to know about this

  5. at least it wasn't My War in its' that would have been a real just got to leave the VH1 alone......

  6. that's a sad story to accompany such a good album

  7. just my .02 on the "eat em and smile" vs. 5150...Eat'em killed Van Hagar IMO. Shyboy and E.Gun are the heat. I hang my head in shame that I don't have "Group Sex" only "Wonderful". Thanks for sharing Mr. Aseop. BTW... when is the next VH post gonna be from the hearse?

  8. for me, this is one of the albums that broke me away from 'if its not metal, it sucks' mindset i had as a teen. the music spoke right to my heart and opened up my brain to new thinking and a bigger view of the world.

    thanks for this,

    i think i'll have to go out and find a used copy on cd, it really should be in my cd collection

  9. I've been super obsessed with "Corpse Grinders" off the Burmese is Dead album. I listen to that song at least twice a day. How long have Burmese been going? I feel like I may have seen them over ten years ago. I did catch a Circle Jerks reunion show with the Locust and a set by the Melvins(as a two piece). Pretty rad show, though I'm sure it was nothing like seeing them in their prime. Keith hasn't settled down much.

  10. a classic from my adolescence for sure...

  11. One of my favorite punk records ever. Aesop - i got a copy of it from Robert and I think it used to be yours. It is beat to shit and has paint or pepto bismol on the vinyl. Cover is thrashed and has a cigarette burn on it. Someone rocked the shit out that thing!


  12. John, that was mine. I painted my room pink when I was a weird teenager, probably listened to that while I was doing it. I have the same problem with my copy of Evilive.

  13. i remember finding a copy of this in a music store in a mall in either arkansas or texas in the early 90's while on a road trip with my parents. i wasn't sure what to expect, but it was during my "i'll buy anything with an interesting name/cover" phase.

    for some reason, the factory or label decided to put the whole album only on side one, and leave side two blank. the upside was that it was one side one twice. the label on the tape itself even had some comment about "use this blank side to destroy the music industry from the comfort of your own home." i always thought that was one of the punkest things i ever saw.

    it's still one of the only punk records i really really enjoy from start to finish, and when "red tape" finishes, i'm always aghast at how fast it went.

    wish they had more of a presence on decline of western civilization.

    this is gonna sound totally naive, but anyone got any leads on early footage or interviews with them? would love to see them.


    Actually I'm pretty sure I fucked those lyrics up, but yeah, this album rules. RULES!

    Hey by the way, what do you guy's think of Fear's "The Record"? There's some not-so-great stuff towards the latter half, but man, the good stuff is just great, utterly butterly great.

  15. FEAR The Record is a classic and will at some point get the full Cosmic Hearse write up.

  16. I've heard bit and pieces of them, but this is one of those records I never got around to buying/listening to. I'll take this opportunity to snag it. Thank ye very much.

  17. The Record is a nearly perfect punk rock record, and FEAR never came close to matching it with anything else in their discography.

  18. Some sort of error with the download link. Can you please re-up this, Aesop?

  19. Fuck, that show would have been wild. Have you got any leads for ups on other Burmese stuff? Specifically Is Dead, White and any of their live CD-R's. Cheers, mate.

  20. There will be more Burmese posted here soon enough.

  21. What a great introduction to your blog. I love the fact that you have everything from Love to GB to EPMD to Darkthrone. I will be spending a lot of time here in the future. Thank you for making my day much better.

  22. that must've been one hell of a short show you missed - coulda seen it & still been home in time to see if true love was found or whatever tf it was you were watching. I seem to remember reading recently that the Jerks were quite embarrassed about how short this album was when it came out. I also think Golden Shower... is a classic album other than the stupid medley but Wild in the Streets not

  23. I just pulled this out for the first time in over a decade and am amazed at how well it holds up.....needed three or four spins before taking it off the turntable. A nice reminder of what good punk sounds like.
