Thursday, April 23, 2009

In The Sign Of Evil

What's better German Thrash or American Thrash? Sure the Americans were better players, but the Germans were just so fucking berserk that they could hardly give a fuck about cohesive solos, slick production, poofy hair, giant white tennis shoes, or any of that weak shit. Sodom's first official release, the magnificently wonky, Venom-obsessed In The Sign Of Evil is a relentless rollercoaster of teenage Germanic satanic punk metal that I never tire of.


  1. "masterbate to kill myself"

    man that line still makes me giggle, some 25 years later

    after i put down the glass pipe, this was one of the first albums i(actualy my version is this with obsessed by cruelty split cd) bought again as part of my 'buying back my youth' statement

    as always, thank you for the writting, and not just posting the music, it gives it (imo) much more validation

    keep it up!!!

  2. Thanks, Nano. Sodom records are better than anything that can be put in a pipe, but you know that.

  3. "Outbreak Of Evil" oozes D-Beat. mos def a precursor. just saying.

  4. Never heard this one..... thanks for sharing.

  5. oh yeah...

    I remember...
    I was 15 yrs old, when first heared this masterpiece.
    It was so fucking amazing, obsessed...

    Hey, Aesop are u ever heared mighty teutonic band PROTECTOR - their first demo, ep and album so fucking sick. They even toured with Sodom, and Tom Angelripper sing on one Protector song. They sound like Sodom on crack overdose!

    I can upload Protector debut 2 track demo, if u wish.


  7. go gen dogg, make that paper.

    this was on constant rotation at work earlier this year. i'd throw it on, neck would begin to tilt and stress was gone.

  8. why don't i have this? thanks!

  9. Great EP. I agree that the Germans did it better.
    And if I ever dress up for Halloween again, it's going to be as the red-hooded guy.

  10. good look, Dan. how's your recovery coming along? get that paper too, son. stay tight, -Gen


  12. I want to start a Sodom cover band and call it Buttfuck City.

  13. dunno, I freaking love Persecution Mania, but this stuff doesn't do much for me.

  14. I first got this in '85 but sold it for $5 to one of my sister's punk friends. Though, when I got more into d-beat and powerviolence I came back around to this & loved it ever since. Agreed, that it has a bit of d-beat & unhinged hardcore feel to it which I think set them apart from the rest of the "unholy three" (Destruction & Kreator). For 1985 Metal, there was nearly nothing this fast minus Slayer or Slaughter.

    Also, their mascot's name is Knarrenheinz.

  15. Ever notice how much the genre that is today called black/thrash sounds like this album?

  16. spot on about the poofy hair and white shoes comment. weak. sodom rules. another "?" thing to take note of is the huge poser-crustie nikki sixx-look thing goin on in portland. good

    your blog rules..

  17. I have a friend who's way into Toxic Holocaust, so I burned him a Bathory comp. Last time I talked to him he said he'd rather listen to Bathory. I left that conversation with a powerful feeling of accomplishment.

  18. I like Toxic Holocaust, but yeah, I'd rather listen to Bathory.

  19. I have to leave a comment for three reasons.

    First, I love your blog man. Great finds here.

    Second, I don't leave comments everytime I download something so it's about time now.

    Third, the verification code is "unmander", which I kind of like. That will be the name of my filthy black metal one-man band.

  20. is Knarrenheinz this red hooded guy or the gas mask guy on the later albums? - which are also great cuz Sodom rules
