Monday, May 25, 2009


Berserks were an Italian quintet obviously inspired by the NWOBHM movement, particularly the earliest work of Iron Maiden. Problem was Berserks had more enthusiasm than chops when they entered the studio in 1982 to make their only album. Still would rather listen to this than say, Mastodon or Opeth. Just sayin'. Don't be all mad.


  1. some fun tunes on this one. nice punk edge to some of the songs, but that might have been more due to musical inability than actual influence.

  2. Never could get into either of those bands either.........I do dig all things italian though.....Contropotere,Negazione,Wretched,.....the list goes on!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'd have to agree as well. I'd rather listen to Berserks while having my eyeballs rubbed with sandpaper than listen to "Crack The Skye" whilst getting a backrub.

    And Troy: Many, many wonderful things have come from Italy, but can anything EVER beat Rhapsody? Not Rhapsody OF FIRE (the power metal equivalent of Van Halen>Van Hagar), but RHAPSODY. The real deal. Go ahead, put on "Unholy Thunderforce" and tell me it doesn't pump your nads. I dare you.

  4. Rhapsody as in the Luca Turilli/Christopher Lee Rhapsody? It's kind of like eating a whole lot of candy. At first it's really great, then your stomach hurts and you get type 2 diabetes.

    Speaking of Italian cheese metal, y'all got this one,

  5. Holy Thunderforce!!!!!!!!!!!

    sounds like Freddy Mercury hijacked Manowar for a couple minutes.....

  6. I could see how your not a fan of mastodon or Opeth, but you could do worse... like say white chaple or winds of plauge. Good old fashioned shitty grindcore.
