Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dawn of Martyrdom

Here's the first LP from one of my favorite Greek Metal bands, Agatus. Released in 1994, the Dawn of Martyrdom showed a marked improvement in the band since their first demos. Agatus, made up of two brothers going by the names of Eskarth The Dark One and Archon Vorskaath, juxtapose a bit of norsecore into their traditional Hellenic Black/Death. Majestic, self-assured, Greek occult metal, is there anything better?


  1. Not much. This is an essential release, yes.

  2. Loved the last Agatus post. Looking forward to hearing this.

  3. Cool! I've been getting in to some of the bigger Greek black metal acts recently (Varathron, Necromantia, Zemial, etc... don't care for Rotting Christ actually) so nabbing this is a must for me! Thanks...

  4. Ryan, Agatus is basically Zemial but a bit more elegant. I highly recommend Rotting Christ "Non Serviam" it is seriously the apex of quality Hellenic Black Metal.

  5. Rotting Christ did much better than "Non Serviam" in their earlier "Passage to Arcturo". I really don't like latter Rotting Christ material so if you don't either, please check out Passage. You might be pleasantly surprised.

  6. Oh, cool. Sometimes it takes me a while to get to listening to all of these albums that you (and others) are so great at writing up. I got the "Weaving Fates" album you posted a long way back, but only gave it a proper listen the other day. Well, it was great, and I'm glad that now I can hear a bit more. Thanks again.I'm a sucker for metal with less-than-perfect-but-not-terrible production. Love the galloping riffs.

  7. This album is one of the Great ones.
