Friday, May 22, 2009


Durthang are depressive Swedish Black Metal band. Their 2004 demo Passage Beyond the Cold Vales of Desolation is a somnambulant spectre searching snow-covered landscapes for meaning but only finding more snow, more white, more death, more darkness.


  1. Where are the comments? This isn't Black Circle of Gaia, y'know.

  2. durthang is one one of the most unintentionally hilarious band names you've posted, along with sadorass

  3. This. is . Fucking. GREAT. sorry I didn't post sooner. Thank you as always bro. -jabladav

  4. Thanks for this - hadn't heard this before. Something like Sombre Forets or Satanic Warmaster put through an insect blender, slowed down further, and without any brief triumphal key shifts. The sludge and buzz... this album makes me think I need to go kill a deer and ride its skeleton toward the horizon where the sun has set for eternity.

  5. mmmmmmmmm.............. tasty darkness.

    Your blog is like a lighthouse in the dreary sea of the internet.

  6. The gig is up, Aesop.

    There's no way that there's THIS MANY fucking obscure black metal demos in the WHOLE WORLD.

    My personal theory: From the hours of 9pm to 12am, every night, you sit huddled next to your four track, alternately screaming into a broken microphone and pounding away on an out-of-tune guitar with drum machine accompaniment. A couple quick runs to the local Kinko's and VOILA! Aesop has unearthed another "obscure black metal band". You are obviously insane and trying to pull a fast one on your readers.

    I can respect that.

  7. It's not Kinko's, It's STAPLES. STAPLES is 1st Kreig.

  8. No, I've heard this ice cold demo before. Shelby got the process right; the 9 to 12 timeframe, the broken mic and out of tune guitar, retarded drum machine, some quick runs to the Copymat. However, it happens to be real, put together by the duo "Archaic" and "Nachtzeit", the latter being a past member of an equally strange and depressing swedish outfit, Hypothermia. It's funny though, I was reading that the name "Durthang" is a castle in Mordor. How textbook is that??
