Monday, May 18, 2009

Marblebog vs. Hexenwood

Two Black Metal entities, Marblebog, represented here by a frog, and Hexenwood, represented by an Owl go toe-to-toe for Hungarian Black Metal supremacy. Marblebog you may know, the the brilliant one-man band has been featured on the Hearse before and has gained quite a name internationally. What sets Hexenwood apart from the scores of other Black Metal bands is the fact that they are a family. I don't mean they are a tight-knit group that supports one another through troubling times, I mean they are literally a family as well as a kvlt Black Metal band. Like a Satanic Partridge Family or Jackson 5, even little five-year-old Yrys Hexenwood (they all share this surname like The Ramones) is in on the act. Sure it's a great gimmick, but is the music any good? Well, honestly it's nothing all that special, Marblebog definitely comes out on top on this very limited split 7". Generally I don't like to post stuff in the same year it was released but this thing is already out of print, and motherfucker, you didn't get one.


  1. the return of one my favorite band names ever

  2. hexenwood is awesome. i don't know what you're talking about. all it takes is etnic singing and jaw harps to win my heart...

  3. Thanks, Aesop. I had heard of this but figured I'd never get to hear it.

  4. That is the most adorable black metal gimmick that I've ever heard of. Thanks!

  5. you had me at "satanic partridge family".

  6. its not coming up after i downloaded it.
