Friday, May 8, 2009

Violence Action

One of the lesser known Kyushu noise punk treasures is the Violence Action flexi by Z. Violence Action goes so far into amateurish performance and recording that it is almost hard to tell what you are hearing, making Z almost as much Merzbow as they are Gai. Occasionally a recognizable riff or drum fill pokes its way through the muck but it is futile, chaos and fuzz prevail over any notion of tuneful musicianship. Released in 1988, a latecomer to the Japanese noise core scene, but certainly as potent as any of the older bands. This is short, blink and you might miss it. Essential ear damage.


  1. Essential indeed. I have a huge hard-on for this kind of shit, many thanks for posting something that isn't just more Confuse or Gai... as much as I do love those two bands, it's awesome to get the chance to check out some other stuff from that scene.

  2. There was also a Z demo, obviously very rare. It pops up once every blue moon on Yahoo Japan Auction site. With a bit of luck some rich philanthropist will buy it and rip it so all the rest of us can get a taster...

  3. Deleted file. Any chance of re-upping this one?
