Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Embalmed Existence

Resurrection's Embalmed Existence is a decent slab of Florida Death Metal that might have gotten more attention if not for the ridiculous spoken word intros between every song, in fact, you might even think they were kidding. Disregard this factor and you will be treated to some well executed American styled Death. Superb (though thin sounding) drum performance by Alex Marquez who went on to bash buckets for Malevolent Creation and Disincarnate. Not nearly as crushing as Deicide or Obituary, but still worth your time. Seriously, what's with the intros?


  1. One of my faves. The new record isnt all that great, and yes, still has the intros!

  2. florida is pretty lame. /:
    i like it when it's rainy though...

  3. I've never heard this, I only know who this band are because the intros are infamous.

  4. Hey, i tried downloading an older post, (the scorpions album) and it's not working. you might wanna check all the z share stuff.

  5. Been meaning to check this out, thanks! Gotta love these early Death Metal albums from the Sunshine State.

  6. Syncronicity:

  7. The intros make this for me. Posted it a while back, myself. I always thought they were a little different than most of the Florida Death Metal, and I liked that little bit of difference. The intro guy's voice: I like to pretend that it is Bon Scott speaking from hell.

  8. Man, I like the intros a lot more than the music on this thing.

    drinking the urine from my dog = hilarious

  9. I want to use this opportunity to say that Lockjaw absolutely rues.

  10. "... raping themselves daily ..."


  11. The intros sound like a totally demented wrestling promo. @ Rygar - "Bon Scott speaking from hell" totally makes sense. Actually, Bon or the Crypt Keeper. The re-issue has a "Storyteller laugh-track".

    Anyway, for the time it's mostly consistent with Florida DM. The new album is way too Pantera/"bro-metal".

  12. Just use soundforge or something to edit them out.

  13. Great stuff! The intros really do not bother me, though they sound like a cross between The Crypt Keeper and Odorous Urungous from Gwar.

  14. i always thought the intros were taken from tales from the crypt tv show or something. and i fuckin love this so-so much!!!!!

  15. love the intros
    definitely one of my favorite death metal records

  16. One of my favorite death metal albums! I saw them a few years ago for the first time and was a little bummed that the story telling gnome wasn't there with them.

  17. Christy? If it is you, I was aware of your affinity for this album and had you in mind.

  18. the music isn't half bad. Marquez's drum and Seagraves's art own this record. it's weird that the vocal are so low in the mix, could it be a trade off the intros?
