Friday, June 5, 2009


Cosmic Hearse reader and super bro, Dirk Noben, saw a band in Belgium that so impressed him, he bought two copies of their crushing EP and promptly mailed one to me. Doing shit like that is why Dirk is a heroic and noble gentleman, and precisely why when he dies he will go to Heaven and meet Jesus, and you will not. The band that inspired such magnanimous altruism from Mr. Noben was none other than the Belgian two piece instrumental sludge/doom band Sardonis. Upon it's timley arrival at my door, I placed this on the turntable, and too was stricken with a sudden feeling of generosity, I withdrew all my money from my savings account and gave it to my weed dealer. Thanks, Dirk.


  1. Hey, this is awesome! Funnily enough, my band is doing a split tape with this band on dead earth records (salem, or), coming out sometime late this summer/early fall. only plugging myself because it's relevant...

    thank you for all the great music, aesop.

  2. AHAHAHHAHAHAAHA I just love the ending of this review!
    Perhaps when Agalloch gets back to Belgium, Sardonis can open the show...

  3. wow, i'll not going to heaven, alle luia
    thks, you're my friend

  4. Thanks to Dirk Noben! thanks to Aesop.
    you fuckers make my ears bleed.
    this is awesome, i want it.

  5. Hrmmm... link is not showing up?

  6. aaah!! failed to open page! i am so distraught.

  7. From time to time Mediafire goes down. It's always a good idea to try again. I just did and the link is fine.

  8. Yeah, now it's working and this 7" is the shit. Thanks!

  9. You're welcome bro, and welcome to the Brotherhood of Sardonis. ;)

  10. I just saw them live about two weeks ago (along with Pagan Altar), suprised to see them turn up here. Definatly good stuff, super-minimal, just a drum and a guitar with no vocals, but pretty punishing nonetheless.

  11. thank you for your continuous generosity of sharing your music collection. So much stuff I would never have heard otherwise!

  12. Pretty fucking rad

  13. i wish there was more! when it's done i wanna yell at a co-worker and be like, "you better keep this sound going or you ain't gettin tipped out" but then i'm all "naw, man, you're still gettin tipped out... i just... i just wanted more"

  14. Just discovered this the other day and must say it's most righteous and awesome!
    They now have a full-length,self-titled album out which is just as killer.
    Thanks Aesop!
