Monday, June 22, 2009


You motherfuckers all went nuts over Paul Von Aphid's black acid punk crust noise fuck known as Demon City Reaper, the man was so flattered that he wanted share his Black Metal band Zaaku. It is just the sort of distorted buzzing high weirdness that we crave here at The Hearse. It would seem that Paul's outsider art genius knows no bounds. Thanks again, Mr. Von Aphid.


  1. I love me some distorted buzzing high weirdness. Thank you Paul and Aesop!

  2. this makes me so fucking happy. words escape me.

  3. ido, your blog is very cool, btw! good taste in music - Swans, Gloom, Mighty Sphincter!

  4. Hey Aesop...
    Paul's "genius knows no bounds" will be even more confirmed when you hear the magic of his SATHANAS NECROCUNT demo! The only way I could describe it is if VON and did D.R.I. covers in a wind tunnel. Keep tuned to Papst B's IDONEUM BELLO blog for more cool info on a S.N. / DEVIL split.

  5. Btw, Mike! please, respond me how progress going with SN/Devil split?
    I have one idea to rework SN tracks to some more brutal nekromadness.
    Drop me an e-mail on or on my myspace.

  6. Wow, this stuff and the DCR demo are intense and inspirational. Thanks Mr. Aphid, thanks Aesop for hipping people to it.

  7. @Paul: Thanks for the kind words about my blog. I wish I had time to post more. But I've got some cool stuff planned.

  8. Thanks a lot Paul, you're stuff is great - keep it coming!

  9. Hey

    Stumbled over this great post and great blog and great everyhting else that is could be great.

    Just a note to inform all and sundry that played Zaaku on my Brussels radio show, L'étranger, this week.

    FM for the housewives and one million Brussels hop heads during the day and podcast after for the out of towners and mommy boy drowning downers.

    Link is in my name.

    Best from Brussels

    Dr. Koper

    Dr. K

  10. Aesop, it seems i will become rock'n'roll star soon, hehehe... first - DCR on WMFU, then Zaaku.

  11. Don't forget the little people who helped get you there.

  12. this is really fucked up and awesome, but i cant expect any less from cosmic hearse. thanks for all the sick posts man, your blog has consistently been fucking my ears up in wonderful ways for a while now!

  13. I really am enjoying the production (or lack there of) of Demon City Ripper and Zaaku. Also, I like this blog alot. Thanks Aesop and Paul. What is it about incredibly raw noisy super distorted punk and metal that warms my heart so?
