Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Embryonic Devourment

Sick, brutal, technical Death Metal from Mendocino County, bro, that's what the hearse is serving up today. Embryonic Devourment's name is loosely based on a Carcass song title, but these California hopheads do more of the angular, mathy, scalpel precision thing than the low gurgly pummel of the Brit masters of medicinal morbidity. It might bother some that the production is super clicky and high end, but for me that just makes the whole experience that much more bizarre and alien, like a particular nasty anal probe followed by a bong rip of sweet Mendo mota.


  1. Turn amp up to full and then turn down to unbearable...The production really works at this point..Quality Post!!!

  2. for that style, that is a neat cover. don't particularly like the style though.

  3. I've had many a late, strange night with these guys in both Willits and Laytonville, hanging out in double-wide trailers with toothless locals and crackheads... They used to be in 2 bands, Ciribus and Ye Olde Scabbard (who played "pirate metal" before it was trendy), both of which ruled. Nice guys, weird music, even weirder parties...

  4. everything about this rules. thanks, as always :)

  5. Competently played if unspectacular, but I'd be curious to see how they develope. Thanks.

  6. normally I would avoid an album that looks like this like the plague, but I trusted your judgment and you did not steer me wrong. this album is great. thanks!

  7. gent in car w/ finsJuly 20, 2009 at 8:26 AM

    I too would pass on this record in the store, but shot it down through the tubes anyway. Turns out it kicks eleven batches of ass despite the nonsensical cover. Whoda thunked it? I've been looping this motherfucker all day long.
