Saturday, July 25, 2009

Krupted Peasant Farmers

Krupted Peasant Farmers (KPF) were the lynchpin of the early 90s Southbay (San Jose) punk scene. They played fantastically hook-laden melodic punk that brings to mind Screeching Weasel, Articles of Faith and the great, but unsung German band, Neurotic Arseholes. Despite KPF's pop punk leanings, they band was fiercely political. Their lyrics were sometimes a bit goofy (Skyscrapers are the Erections of Corporations Fucking The Sky from "Society is Puking") but they were sincere in their disdain for capitalism, guns, meat, the military industrial complex, and the raping of the earth, and they wrote absolutely infectious dual-guitar harmonies. This collection titled Peasants By Birth, Farmers By Trade, Krupted By The Dollar collects various odds and ends recordings from the band, including a cover of a song by The Fuckboyz. Highly recommended.


  1. and they try to make a new kind of communist system where the white and the rich are the bad people of a new James Bond in Harlem
    poor, they are not very sexy so they are frustrating to be only sexual objects
    smalls, they don't know what is pleasure because for them, everything is social
    I was so furious when I saw one of them making a new baby on their community
    but don't be afraid for them, they have plenty of friends on higher levels of the system

  2. Shit, I used to work with two of these guys at the Saratoga Public Library 11 or 12 years ago. They smoked the shittiest brown weed...

  3. I've wanted to hear Neurotic Arseholes for years......can you hook me up with that???????

  4. Most criminally underrated/overlooked band from San Jose? I could see the case being made.

    Thanks for posting this, Aesop. I've got this on vinyl, but not zeros and ones. Will much enjoy it.


  5. TMM, Down Underground Blog has some Neurotic Arseholes stuff.

  6. Fuck yes! I remember when you couldnt go to a party in tulsa without cheap malt liquor, stinky doe eyed crust punks, a trashed basement, and the constant tunes of los crudos, iron maiden, and krupted peasant farmers.

  7. good's a good day now....

  8. Holy shit thanks for this. I had a Lookout Comp that they were on (Can of Pork I think) and I absolutely loved the track, but I never was able to track down any of their records back then. This will probably end up reposted on my blog too. Really excited about this one.

  9. this is sick man, thanks

  10. Hey Aesop,

    Do you know what the farmer boys are up to now? Still playing music?

  11. One or both of the two Robs went on to be in the band called The Flames, that is all I know.

  12. Only one of the Robs is in that band. I don't think they talk to each other these days.

  13. looking forward to this, thanks

  14. Some of these dudes went on to play in a band called Whiskey Sunday. Thanks

  15. Thanks a lot for this one! I've always liked this band, but the only songs I've had were all isolated comp tracks. This is sweet!

  16. ...and Whiskey Sunday is rad, too.

  17. Caz & Dave here ex-KPF and now "The New World Orphans".

    Anyone interested in KPF merch can contact us at

    KPF CD's, 12", Split 7" & a just a few Shirts are still available.

    Our new band the NEW WORLD ORPHANS will be releasing a 7" very soon!!

    Thanks for all the comments!!!
    Caz & Dave (ex. KPF)

  18. Hej Du, Caz & Dave. Much love. Been a while since I seen or spoke to either ya.

  19. Nice to find the albums I was to lazy to digitize. unfortunatly the file is down.

    But I appreciate to read the comments
