Sunday, August 30, 2009

Punk Dog

Today I saw a crusty's dog on Haight street wearing an Anti-Cimex Victims of a Bomb Raid t shirt, it was tailored to fit his dog body. I was reminded how ripping that EP is so now I am posting it here. Anti-Cimex was the closest thing Sweden had to Discharge, perhaps why they are heralded as one of the most intense and influential European punk bands. You probably already knew all of this from the scores of other blog tributes to the great Anti-Cimex, but if you never heard this 7" EP, you should, and find out why even dogs like dig them.

Sorry, I can't figure out what is up with this link. I have tried to re-up it several times now with no success. If you are absolutely in need of this you can go here:


  1. i love this one.
    Last week while i was driving the truck at work in Lefkada, an island, me and the guy i was with saw a girl having a Chihuahua dog on a leash, wearing a bright orange coloured life jacket for dogs, on the beach. We couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes. And you should have bought that dog a beer.

  2. this record is so full of power. so simple, but the term "insistent" has perhaps never been more appropriately applied to a hardcore record. this invented Swedish Hardcore as much as Discharge invented DBeat. makes me wanna bounce of walls.

  3. I like "Raped Ass" better (I mean, the title alone makes it a better record) but this one rippppppssss too of course!

  4. I'm waiting for that first Haight crusty who sews a patch DIRECTLY ON THEIR DOG. That crusty, and ONLY that crusty, will be worthy of my "spare change for a 40".

  5. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  6. The file was removed. Would it be possible for you to reupload it again, Aesop?

  7. If dogs dig it, then it must kick ass. My knowledge of European hardcore is pretty shallow right now, so I'll enjoy soaking in this. Thanks.

  8. Lazy! Not "closest thing Sweden had to Discharge" but closest thing to world ever had to Discharge! "Invented Swedish hardcore"? Come on now, there was a lot of Swedish HC waaaay before this.

    I was jumping around half naked with a cigarette in my hand listening to this record the other day, maxed out volume as loud as I could. Lazy nice.

  9. I couldn't seem to download this one either. Mediafire says the link was removed.

  10. I have re-upped it twice now, can't figure it out.

  11. i know a one legged (damn freight trains!)crusty girl, who's chihuahua "darby" has a hand knitted black flag sweater. i also know way too many crusty dogs named after booze, like "so-co" and "natty-ice". i'm serious.

  12. Haha. SF has the best crusty dogs. If I had one I would name him King Cobra and he would wear an Aus Rotten jumper.

  13. Absolutely devestating. Forget all "extreme" sub-sub genres of today, this is pure brutality that cannot be recreated. It is picture into a landscape of desperate times, when the thoughts of no future rang true, anticipating the world to end at any given moment. classic.

  14. hey that reminds me - I saw Stick (ex-DOOM, ENT etc) wearing a hand knitted anti cimex victims of a bombraid sweater, no lie. i'd buy one if i could.
