Saturday, September 5, 2009

Peace For David Rubenstein

NYC's Reagan Youth were one of my favorite American hardcore bands. It pained me to hear about all the troubles that plagued singer Dave "Insurgent" Rubenstein. Here is their only official statement Youth Anthems for the New World Order released in 1984, smack dab in the middle of Ronald Reagan's term. The band had the good sense to call it a day when Ronnie left office. After that, Dave's life spun recklessly into a miasma of drugs, hustling, and homelessness on the mean streets of New York City's lower east side. In a short span of time his father accidentally killed his mother with a car, and his girlfriend fell victim to notorious serial killer, Joel Rifkin. This proved too painful and insurmountable for the already beaten down man, and in 1993 he ended his life with a fatal dose of heroin. Peace for David Rubenstein, Long Live Reagan Youth.


  1. oh heck's yes, 'nother classic!!!

  2. Joel is an hero, he killed drug addicted woman, maybe with the hand of god
    Many serial killer work for the benefit of humanity

  3. Joel had no choice but to become a serial killer, he looks like a mix between Brion James (Leon, Blade Runner) and Weird Al Yankovic.

  4. i was just thinking about reagan youth yesterday at work, how i hadn't heard them in years...are you some sort of mind reader?

    as for the comment above me...all i can say is...jesus.

  5. Never heard these guys, thanks Aesop!

    anonymous: you think he's a hero 'cause he killed drug addicts? I hope there's a serial killer out there that kills idiots, 'cause you'll be next in line.

  6. "Joel is a hero.." Dude, you are a total asshole for that comment. A total asshole.
    Aesop, great post. Great f**kin' band, but such a sad story. RIP David. Your music lives on.
    Is this a vinyl rip or CD? There is a diffence to geeks like me.

  7. Great record and a great band. I actually like the Sabbathy vibe of Volume 2 more, but both are great. Truly underrated.

  8. Is that an attempt to be hilariously edgy? Cause you just come off sounding like an asshole.

    Anyway, awesome post, I'm surprised (and I guess a little disheartened) by how well this has aged. RIP David.

  9. who's anonymous ? I'm Anonymous, we can't be two
    And I hope there's no member of U2 here (edgy ?)
    sorry Carnby, I hoped you don't see that I'm an idiot

  10. I don't censor comments, no matter how stupid, base or ugly they may be.

  11. "I don't censor comments, no matter how stupid, base or ugly they may be."

    That's not true I have had rejected comments before.

  12. Are you certain it was this blog? I can't recall ever doing so.

  13. "We are the sons of Reagan...HEIL!!!!"

    Where will the Cosmic Hearse strike next?

  14. Great album. Thanks.

    It'd be weird if you posted NSBM and censored internet doucheholes. But then, they just add to the clutter, whereas Veles (f'rinstance) has a great moment or two.

  15. O the memories of endless bong hits in celebration of this record!

  16. Regarding some of the earlier comments, Tiffany Bresciani's death was the final insult in her short and tragic life. Dave was actually with her when she got in Joel Rifkin's truck that night. He was often with her on the streets and would wait while she conducted business to support their prodigious heroin addictions. If I'm not mistaken, Mad Marc Rude's sister was also murdered by Joel Rifkin (or perhaps some other serial killer who was also stalking women in the Lower East Side during the early/mid 90's). At the time there was some effort to organize sex workers in that neighborhood to protect themselves and help identify sketchy "johns". I think the punk club Coney Island High was a hub for this organizing activity.

  17. Yeah, and that organizing never went anywhere, because most of the punks from then were drama ridden/ than thou types and/or junkie/alcoholics.

    It's just music people, and this guy couldn't put his mind away from the "lifestyle" long enough to realize that he was going to die if he didn't make better lifestyle choices.

  18. This record is a true fucking classic that blew my 14 year old head when i first heard it. Dave Insurgent was such a cool, humble guy. Mike Judge passed on a cool anecdote about him here:

  19. This is so great. I am so pimping your blog when I do a interview for WFMU in the upcoming weeks.


  20. For fans like me who have never quite adjusted to the CD's the LP rip, in all it's Mono glory (says the guy from AOD).

  21. Reagan of the greats.
    Thought everyone might enjoy Reagan Youth - Live at CBGBs recorded through the soundboard. When I went to upload it, I realized it had been on my hard-drive that fried, but thanks to LiborioFriki over at The Clock That Went Backwards Again where I originally got it last October, he re-posted it, so enjoy

  22. Lost the wax long ago ... thou still have the cover/poster after all these yrs. Hanging in my kitchen right now actually ... any chance ya could re up this? I can't open the zip w/ any program I got ... thanx in advance.

  23. Saw these guys in San Diego at Carpenter's Hall back in the day. They were way in their "Ungrateful Dead" period yet they still managed to tear the place up. I remember the nazi skins thinking that this was "their" band. Guess the sarcasm slid right off those chrome domes!

  24. ...there should be a murderer who wants wo kill stupid-mommys-basement-dwellers who have nothing better to do than posting stupid rants in internet blogs.

    benefit of humanity, you know.

  25. Why because someone said something you don't agree with, and you know it's an unsettling truth you can't handle?

  26. Dear Anonymous shit talker,

    Grow a pair of balls and at least state your name or identity. Perhaps we should scoop up a band of reject serial killers and drop them off at your families doorstep for an afternoon of constructive fun and games. Your not being funny asshole. Murder is not a cool movie or video game you can just tuck away on a shelf when you are done. I mean what are you 13 or something?


  27. On a lighter note THANKS are in order to the guys who posted the "Live set" and "the original LP mix" burn. There is a major difference to me in the mixes between Nicky Garret's CD versions knob twiddling and the original LP as it was pressed. I like the original mix better much in the same way I think the "Circle Jerks-Wild In The Streets" original Faulty Records pressing is far superior to the Frontier repress that a majority of people have heard or misheard I should say.
