Monday, October 12, 2009

The Scam

Here's a great 1986 EP called Everything Ends In Rot by little known hardcore unit, The Scam, from Salem, New Hampshire. These guys were part of a burgeoning New England scene of brilliant, fucked-up hardcore bands like Psycho and PTL Klub. Not the typical jocko dumb shit  the region was known for. 


  1. Nice! One of my all time faves! I grew up in the next town over but didn't actually know these guys. I think they were a few years older then me.
    The Freeze were another brilliant Boston Hardcore Band. Don't forget The Proletariat, either.
    Do you have any of the PTL Klub stuff to upload? I cant find it anywhere

  2. this rules! did they release anything else?

  3. Posted this on my blog a while ago. Got comments from an ex-member to announce a CD reissue. I think the unreleased LP will get the vinyl treatment as well. The unreleased LP is floating on the net somewhere. If you like the 7", you'll definitely want that album.

  4. This is pretty fuckin' wicked awesome!

  5. An underrated classic. Loves me some of this shit!

  6. The Freeze were great, from Cape Cod, and Gang Green were d-u-m-b skaterock, the This is Boston, Not L.A. was also great, with the F.U.'s/Straw Dogs and the aforementioned Gang Green. Apart from that, and Grief (thank god for Grief!) the Boston hardcore scene was a bunch of straight-edge, faux-Krishna core, youth-crew bullshit. Essentially, you had a situation where punk segregated itself from metal, and the most fun was to be had skating with the goth kids that dropped acid and listened to Joy Division.

  7. Daaamn. I first heard Master of Puppets AND To Mega Therion in Eric Scams IROC coming back from CT after watching them play some roller rink. And they made me watch Shocking Asia on mescaline. Great fucking band. If you pull out the Agrophobic Array demo ("coal, coal...they gave me coal) I'll be fucking scared. Anyhow thank you for all the INCREIBLE music and great write ups.

  8. Thanks for reviewing my old band Aesop. I'll send you the anthology cd .

  9. Sweet

    Aesop Deker
    PO Box 641184
    SF, Ca.
