Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cuts of Love

Here's a rare single from UK Gothic Death Rock band, 13th Chime. Released in 1981, this record has two songs, the A side "Cuts of Love" and the B side "Coffin Maker." Pretty much what you'd expect from the time, place, and genre, 13th Chime is almost like a Goth band you'd see incidentally in an '80s teen movie. Nothing that will make you run out to Camden to pick up a mesh shirt or anything, but still worth a listen, and about a thousand times cooler than those douchey Twilight books.


  1. i worship this band, and you can download their other EP from my blog. and don't miss the reissue of all EPs and unreleased album on Sacred Bones.
    amazing stuff.

  2. oh, fuck, the link on my blog is dead, so here the new one -
    I think, this band recorded one of the best goth tracks ever - "Cursed" - tribal goth hymn.
    Check it out, Aesop, if you didn't it before.

  3. anything is cooler than those fuckin books

  4. I don't know... it doesn't take much to make me want a mesh shirt...

  5. I went to Camden over the summer,didn't get a mesh shirt but I did find a Hitler European Tour Shirt,doesn't get much more death rock than that.

  6. Ruling cover. Remember back in the day when amateur bands had amateur covers that looked fucking awesome? Those days are over. The band sounds like the cover.
