Thursday, December 17, 2009


Maybe like me you read Daniel Eckeroth's engaging Swedish Death Metal book. Maybe like me you were a little distracted by the seemingly two literary voices at work; the academic one that thoroughly chronicles a particular subculture and movement with an unfeeling distance, and the one of a tight bro just giving you the straight dope as he remembers it over a pint of Akkurat. Regardless of these shortcomings, the book is an excellent resource that will have most music nerds fiending to hear any and all of the numerous overlooked recordings of Swedish Death. One that stood out for me was this sweet little 1990 sampler 7 inch from Opinionate Records. The EP starts of with some decent thrash from Appendix (not to be confused with the Finnish punk band with the same name.) Next up is the classic Swedish Death crush of Nirvana 2002. This is clearly the standout track here, mainly because it is really the only one that exemplifies the style that the country would become known for. Authorize are next, their track "Darkest Age" is plenty Death Metal but lacks the mystery and atmosphere of what I have come to expect from old Swedish Death Metal. The sampler closes with a blistering, breakneck thrash offering from Fallen Angel. The Opinonate Sampler EP does a fine job of briefly documenting that strange nebulous time between Thrash and Death. That what these regional comps from a bygone time are about.


  1. That Appendix track blows my mind. Any chance you have the demo???? I would be too stoked to here it

  2. didnt know if i should leave a comment here, or under the one you left. Didnt know if ya'd get it. Yea, El Dopaare great. Saw em live too in the Bay Area. Lived there from 92-99, roughly.
    Anyway, got a question for ya. Whats the protocol about borrowing someone elses posts? for example, i'd love to post that DJ z trip & DJ P stuff ya turned me on solely caause i wanna do the same, turn more peops on to it. Is it a no no to do that? i feel like ive seen it done. what is protocol there?

  3. Some people might have an issue with that but I am not one of them. Since I didn't make the album i have no more right to post it than anyone else really. Maybe just go ahead and mention where you got it from. Different bloggers have different ideas about what is acceptable, I generally don't care as long as nobody plagiarizes my writing. Thanks for asking though.

  4. Picked up the Nirvana 2002 stuff that Relapse re-released the other day. Great stuff, but get it while you can. Word has it that some folks in "Still Trying To Squeeze A Dime Out Of Kurt Cobain Land" won't be allowing a second pressing.

  5. that book is pretty great. saw it a the library and had to read...

  6. book is great, read em 100 times till now.
    for comp, yes, that was times for real metal,every band have their own sound etc..
    thanx for putting this up,
    axegrinder, croatia.
