Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Tragic Serenades EP by Celtic Frost was released in the interim period between To Mega Therion and Into The Pandemonium. The EP contains the same versions of "The Usurper" and "Jewel Throne" that appeared on To Mega Therion but with the bass tracks rerecorded by Martin Ain who was not in the band for the original sessions. Also included are an updated version of "Return To The Eve" from Morbid Tales. Really one of those "for die hard fans only" kind of releases, but I think some of you may qualify.


  1. martin ain was the first dude who out of nowhere started using his full name on albums that i noticed,but the thing was- his middle name is eric..whats so cool about that? whats so good about eric that you gotta make it a point to point out that thats your middle name when youre in celtic frost? i dont get it.

    but i do get celtic frost..good ep,and tom g. definitely had some skills with font styless

  2. i just listened to Morbid Tails the other day

    Hails to these swedes and their influence on heavy music for generations to come

    and HAILS the The Cosmic Hearse for this fine share

    and my middle name is Zapata

  3. I always liked this EP a lot. I bought it when it came out, so it wasn't as problematic as it is now (since the tracks are all available, in their "definitive" versions, on the remastered albums as bonus tracks), and for a while it was my favorite Celtic Frost release. The EMPEROR'S RETURN ep was the first thing I ever bought by the band, but TRAGIC SERENADES was always a big favorite... and still my favorite CF cover (although the cover of PANDEMONIUM is a close second).

  4. Sweet. I still remember listening to To Mega Therion for the first time. The whole album was one big WTF? for me, and I was a different--and better--person after listening to the whole thing. Celtic Frost is essential listening.

  5. Swiss, Nano, they were from Switzerland.

  6. This is pretty cool,nothing real essential. But still all great songs.
    I think this is a bit of a marker in the career of the frost, with everything previous to this being amazing, and everything afterwards being fairly mediocre.

  7. My absolute favorite metal band along with GASTUNK. I still remember buying "Into the Pandemonium" on cassette and being confused and exhilarated at the same time. I tend to lean more towards their early work and HELLHAMMER's "Satanic Rites" these days. Have always wondered why Ain didn't play on "To Mega Therion", though.

  8. The local community radio station I'm working at has a copy of this. I found it going through their vinyl archives which are mostly shit but there are always some diamonds in the rough--Bathory S/T, Trouble S/T, CF's Tragic Serenades and To Mega Therion. I should play this on my show tomorrow.

    This blog has become the biggest influence on my listening habits over the last 6 months. Keep it up Aesop.

  9. oh, thanks, Aesop!!

    any chance that you can upload original vinyl rips of Morbid Tales or Mega Therion, coz 1999 cd remasters sucks big donkey dick with their "good" sound (although Hellhammer 2008 comp was great!) - and i cant find normal vinyl rips anywhere in the web...

    Celtics one of my fave bands ever, and i ever sold my soul to Satan to have ability to sing like mr.Warrior (though he really a moron personally - just read his blogspot! he constantly blaming Ain in break-up of CF)...

  10. i actualy knew that, idk why i put swedes

  11. The "party mix" vocals on Return to the Eve are amazing!

  12. sexiest band alive!

    i love monotheist, their last album a whole lotta lot

  13. surprised at no Chuck Schuldiner memorial post for today. That's some mint Celtic Frost though, your mind was on the right track

  14. I was reminded too late that it was the anniversary of Evil Chuck's passing. R.I.P.

  15. Not as good as "Cold Lake" but I can get into it

  16. Sickest CF cover, and that didn't come easily.

    Also Martin Ain is not Martin Ain's real or full name, just mentioning it. I wonder if anyone ever called Thomas G. Warrior just "G."

  17. It is indeed a GREAT cover - and I like your name, "Ambulating Stalin," whomever you are.

  18. ah, Celtic Frost. haven't listened to them in a long time. thanks for reminding me how great they are

  19. Hooray to TGW for upping the Ooogh!count in "Return to the Eve" from three to seven.
