Saturday, January 9, 2010


Cythraul hail from Lorraine, France and play the sort of bizarre, distant, and poorly recorded evil you've come to love from all these frequent trips on the Cosmic Hearse. This 2001 demo is called Back From Darkness, even though the title implies some kind of comeback, this was Cythraul's only output. The vocals are much louder than everything else, giving this a weird, disjointed feel. After the release of this cassette the two members of Cythraul, Lord Arawn and Warspirit, formed the more politically motivated Sacrificia Mortuorum.


  1. Like how you said you get stoked when you see the collage thing of pictures on a album-

    I get stoked when i see a poorly drawn grim reaper on a cover,i know thats gonna be some fun shit

  2. Yes, poorly drawn reapers are always a good sign, as are castles. ANy album with a castle on it will be good.

  3. Abyss Avenger (Hell Konqueror)January 9, 2010 at 7:47 PM

    Danke SchÖn

  4. I should have said "crudely drawn reaper" instead of "poorly drawn reaper" in reference to this cover,because if drawing a reaper makes the album worth checking out,then it automatically isnt "poorly"

    This reaper is reaper-y enough,the fold lines in the cloak are true to the drawing,and the darkness in the hood give it atmosphere...

    Though the sleeve on the cloak in relation to the rest of it makes it look more like a snuggie i must say,and the artist mustve gotten bored and said fuck it when it came to the graveyard- which is definitely poorly

  5. Does Exist Any chance to get "Black Soul - New Testament", a band from Alsace, France... thanks in advance for any information...

    ATT: Heathcliff69
