Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Too Much

This is almost like two records in one. On one hand you get some gritty blues rock stoner psych served raw like sushi, and on the other hand you have some hopelessly tepid AOR corn. However, this album from Japan's Too Much is worth the price of admission alone for the heavier numbers dripping with the gooey hash-oil guitardation of Junio Nakahara and singer Juni Lush's soulful pipes. This Japanese afro of an album was released in 1971.


  1. Just wanted to say I check out your blog every single post! It's always totally killer stuff!

  2. As do I, Great album choice today!

    Also, Ian! I know you, i used to live in bloomington, and played Bass in Giant bags of weed, hit me up! chrisdelaware@yahoo.com


  3. Tepid AOR corn indeed is present.
