Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Tribute To Euronymous

By now you all know the tragic story of Euronymous, the fallen godfather of Norwegian Black Metal, and eventually a big Hollywood movie will have throngs of muggles in the know as well. But before that happens, allow me to present this excellent primer in early Scandi-Dark, The Necropolis Records Tribute To Euronymous compilation. The idea was to gather the forerunners of the budding Norwegian and Swedish Black Metal scenes in order to showcase this exciting new happening in the north of Europe, however before the comp was finished Varg Vikernes struck that fateful blow (23 times) that forever changed the course of Black Metal and the focus of this record. The end result is a tribute to Euronymous that doesn't include Burzum or Darkthrone. This was my first experience with Thorns, Abruptum, and Mysticum, it came at a time when there were few chances to hear real Black Metal records in America, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to find this used at Record Finder in San Francisco. I'm sure some of you have these songs on the band's releases or various bootlegs but this is one of those seminal, genre-defining comps, like Jellybeans was to Punk, and that makes it an interesting document. R.I.P. Euronymous.


  1. Dude!!!

    This is soooo good!!

    The Mysticum and Thorns (its Thorns right,the one where its all "They have taken council against me",in a sad wizards voice-?) songs are awesome,this comp was amazing

    Thanx for uploading this

  2. I just uploaded DE MYSTERIIS DOM SATHANAS to my blog yesterday. Strange timing.

    Thanks for uploading this. Will definitely enjoy it.

  3. Maybe some of you here are interested in having a look at my blog dealing with Varg Vikernes´ various lies, self-contradictions, history-revisionisms, etc...thought this would be a fitting posting to share this link.

  4. @ Aesop

    Excellent comp!

    wow, I am impressed by the fact that you would spend so much time and effort on a murder case that took place well over 15 years ago, for wich Virkenes was convicted, and by which you were not personally affected. Quite stunning! It seems to me that there are many present-day topics that are considerably more exciting and interesting to write about than Vark Virkenes.

  5. Brilliant timing Aesop...I just finished reading "Lords of Chaos" by Michael Moynihan and Didrik Soderland. I highly recommend it to anybody who has even a passing interest in this music.

    It's a literate and detailed review about why Black Metal arose as it did in Scandinavia (following the early cues of Venom, of course). A great book, and this comp is great accompaniment to it!

  6. thanks a lot for this. i had never heard mysticum before, they're sick! also, i have a random compilation question: i've been listening to Charred Remains and love the song by Misguided, do you know anything about them?

  7. Pavel, here is all you need to know on Misguided

  8. Euronymous liked Kraftwerk and communism. Vargs real name is Kristian. Thor has a big hammer. It's cold in Norway. Tribute comps are great fun.

  9. The fork in the road - Satanism one way and Heathenism the other. I choose Burzum...

  10. A few years ago I was in Bolivia with a friend and he picked this up at a bootleg vendor (where I also picked up Deathcrush and Seven Curches). We listened to it on a crappy stereo in his small Peace Corps hovel... fucking awesome.
