Saturday, January 30, 2010

Venus Gang

Venus Gang was another creation of French superstar genius producer/composer Jean-Pierre Massiera, who was affiliated with Cosmic Hearse favorites, Rockets. For three decades Massiera masterminded a number of brilliant conceptual musical entities with a fondness for schlock sci fi and funky beats. Venus Gang was Massiera's attempt throw his beret into the ring of disco. Galactic Soul was Venus Gang's only album, but a number of minor hit singles ensued. Play this at your next future-of-the-seventies coke party and watch silver space panties hit the dance floor.


  1. I can dig a mutant Donna Summers too

  2. Great album, thanks for sharing. 1978 must have been a great year for disco in France, seeing how Black Devil - Disco Club was released the same year. If you have not heard it, it is highly recommended. If "melancholic" is a term that can be combined with "disco", Black Devil nails it.

  3. Black Devil was amazing, ABW, France was pretty amazing in the '70s. I plan to post that record here eventually


  5. follower/brother, if you wish, i know of an entire blogspot that is dedicated to him if you wish...

  6. Makes Kano sound pedestrian- The Disco Mondo Cane theme takes the cake

  7. I'm so glad those creatures from the Omega man finally made something of their lives.

    I like disco, it gets a bad rap for a lot of good reasons, but there's some pretty funky shite in there too.

    Have you ever checked out Fantasmi Macchina? That dude goes crazy over this kinda stuff.

  8. Hi Aesop
    May I use the picture of Venus Gong on the cover of a book containing my Maltese poems (print run 500). If in the affirmative, who do I acknolwedge for the permission?
    Tnks and regards

  9. Any chance you can re-post the rockets 1976 debut LP? The link is down and I would be very grateful for this.
    My thanks for your good work here.
