Friday, March 5, 2010


Are you ready for some infectious glam pop electro rock from Ireland's Cuddly Toys? Fuck yeah you are. Guillotine Theater is one of those albums that will have you spellbound by it's neverending cavalcade of fantastic songs. Some will sound like Bowie, some will sound like The Damned, and some will sound like Gary Numan, all of them will stick in your brain like peanut butter in your pubes (don't ask me how it gets there.) All the pomp, excess, and pagaentry that made rock in the '70s so great, before everyone got all minimal and introspective. This came out in 1980. Essential.


  1. a couple of factoids, if I may:
    1) The nucleus of this band were previously in RAPED, who tried to be as punk as possible in the name department. When CUDDLY TOYS started they actively sought a name that would be a wimpy and glam as possible (I'd say they succeeded mightily).
    2) Guitarist Feabhean Kwest (I think) was bros with Marc Bolan, and got a bunch of Bolan's shit, including music after he died. The song "Madmen" was lifted of a tape of a bedroom jam session between Bolan And Bowie.
    3) I am drunk and fukkn love the shit out of this record.

  2. Thank you. Very cool! Some of the YouTube vids of these guys are mindboggling. Ronald McDonald on crack, truly. Horrifying. Beautiful.

    Would you perchance happen to have Bob Welch's very creepy 80s "Man Overboard" album?

  3. Intruiging album cover, this one deserves a listen.

  4. THIS RULES! Thanks, Aesop

  5. Getting stoned and drunk while listening now. Not at all what I expected. Or maybe that Goblin-esque intro just caught me off guard. Loving this.

  6. Posted this one a while back, great record!

  7. fun bowiebolanglam piece courtesy of the hearse - pretty cool . unfortunately no asphyx coverversion , but nobodies perfect i guess

  8. thanks, i've been looking for this.

  9. this is INCREDIBLE! thank you
