Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back, and while it was awesome meeting so many appreciative Hearse readers out there in the world, we got a lot of lost time to make up for. So without any further hesitation here is the best Dissection record not made by Dissection themselves, Necrophobic's Darkside. Enjoy.


  1. it's great to have you back, aesop! i hope the tour went well

  2. welcome back, you were missed

  3. who did the cover art for that? it's very necrolord-esque.

  4. About fuckin' time.

  5. This fucking guuuuuyyyyy!

    Welcome back buddy, but I thought Sacramentum put out the best non-Dissection Dissection album?

  6. Killer! Great to have you and the hearse back, and you guys destroyed NY!

  7. This is better than anything Sacramentum did, IMO.

  8. Welcome home, dawg. Looking forward to new uploads.

  9. Welcome back and thanks!

  10. I almost jumped out of my seat when the RSS feed told me that there was a new entry here. Great to have you back!

  11. Not a nanosecond too soon- I've been jonesing for some Hearse real bad!

  12. I tried seeing other blogs. But it just wasn't the same.

    Welcome back! Hope the tour went great.

  13. east kansas bangerMay 8, 2010 at 10:43 AM

    Welcome back. This rules. Agree that this is better than any Sacramentum. Maybe just a step above Far from the Sun which is better than Coming of Chaos or Thy Black Destiny. But back to Necrophobic. Like I said, it rules. The world needs more melodic blackened death metal. Or whatever brand, tag label you want to put on it who cares. Love this.
    Oh Aesop, kicking myself for not driving up to Nebraska to see Ludicra. (for some reason I'm an idiot and thought work was more important) maybe next time.
    The Tenant is wonderfull.

  14. I recently got back into metal after nearly 20 years and absolutely love Cosmic Hearse. I just wanted to thank you for sharing all this awesomeness. I've got a lot of catching up to do...

  15. that makes sense, but usually his signature is very visible.

  16. Glad to see you back. Hope the tour was great and that your other guitar dude is having a quick recovery. Next time you come through, I'll be sure to actually catch a whole set. I should've just slept behind the club, or something. Looking forward to all The Hearse will be bringing.

  17. at last!welcome back Aesop!

  18. hey aesop!,glad yr. back!i posted some stuff in your abscence,rare metal,dedicated to you and your blog,cro-mags original demos,revenant,gaffed,ritual torment,and an awesome video of a lyrical interpretation of waking the cadaver's,"chased thru the woods" ,which is interpreted as "shredded wheat",great stuff that would fit in on your blog,come check me out:

    thanks man,you are always the coolest!

  19. It's great to see you back, Aesop. I've listened to Necrophobic in the past, but I've neglected to listen to them again. Now that you've posted them, I'll be sure to listen to them again here soon.

  20. necrophobic's fucking siiiiiiick, glad you're back. can you please do more posts in the old-school melodic black/death vein? speaking of the swedish stuff, do you dig Sorhin? probably my favorite BM band, period.

    anyway, your set at Europa was very powerful. it was great to meet you very briefly at the merch table afterwards. i was a tall skinny dude who bought one of the old ludicra shirts.

  21. That was way too long!

  22. Welcome back!!!

  23. There looks to be some sort of smudgy text underneath the bottom right pentagram so perhaps that is his signature... or part of it.

  24. How weird... I was actually listening to Necrophobic when I decided to see if the Hearse had come back yet. And here you are.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. welcome back! anybody else having trouble with this download?

  27. Welcome back.

    I wish the guitars were recorded a little better on this thing, but's a great album.

  28. oh, i have a copy of the Black Mark Attack sampler, which has "spawned by evil" on it. the sampler is a bit of late 90's Quorthon love. thanks for this Necrophobic.

  29. welcome back! hope the tour was a blast.

    (and damn, that cover art: been thinking of remodeling my front walkway, think I know what to do now...)

  30. Welcome back! I've been checking the blog every day so that I won't miss your "homecoming".

  31. Hey, glad to se you're posting again. I've never before said as much, but I really dig yer blog and in my otherwise hectic life I noticed it's absence, which says alot. Welcome back, and cheers!

  32. Welcome back man! Been missing the Hearse. Congrats to you and Ludicra on "The Tenant" - that is a seriously awesome album. It has been rockin the fuck out of my world since it dropped.

  33. i can't believe how much happier i am with this album in my life. many thanks to you.

  34. Thanks never heard this before. Just when I ran out of good Dissection albums to listen to, another comes along.

  35. DUDE this is intense! i love all the great bands you have on here that are hard to find nowadays keep up the good work man
