Sunday, June 27, 2010


Asocial were one of Sweden's most brutal punk bands of all fucking time. They hated you, they hated your system, and the hated your fucking face. Fuck yourself.


  1. I come for the music.

    I stay for the abuse.

  2. Fucking Awesome.

  3. Is this the only release they had? pretty fucking killer. the drummers fills in the first & third song are awesome, and the bassist rules throughout...

  4. No, Doug, they released three EPs, this was the first

  5. Flange on a bass? on a punk record? cool! I really need this record today. Thank you as always.

  6. they also invented blast beats. Aesop please check your email inbox.

  7. This is so good: "Whar are youw aiting for? Turn of the TV and turn on your brain: REVOLT"!!!!!

  8. Hve you read "Swdish Death Metal"? The author makes the connection between early Swedish hardcore and DM, saying pretty much that if there were no Asocial, Mob 47, Skitslickers, things may have been different....

  9. that's some pretty mighty punk, best i've heard in fucking ages. i hope some of their other eps beat a path here sooner or later.
    made my day yesterday, along with the truman show soundtrack.

    punk beyond fuck i tells ya!!!!

  10. This is really, REALLY good. Thanks.

  11. This EP is easily the best stuff by them, but for those who care, there is a "discography" with Demos, EP´s etc. Cool shit!
    Oh, check it out here:
    ASOCIAL - Total Asocial CD

  12. Aesop, Kuken, thank you both!

  13. LOVE Asocial. The demo from 1982 is killer.. yes blast-beats in 1982. By the way, they did not invent blast-beats. I'm positive they existed before metal or hardcore were even in their infancy.. see Albert Ayler's live recordings for proof.

  14. Bobbing for ShrimpcuntsJuly 1, 2010 at 11:15 AM

    I haven't had this much fun since I found I Shit On Your Face-I believe in your cunt 7inch after a long search on innernett tubes. What the fuck is in the water in Sweden and Finland.
