Thursday, June 3, 2010

Burmese vs. Cadaver Eyes

The amazing Maxime at New Scream Industry was kind enough to send me a massive package of great swag, all wonderfully cruel releases, but the standout was this split. Cosmic Hearse favorites Burmese go toe to toe with their Israeli counterpart, Cadaver Eyes. Both bands were recorded live at WFMU. Both bands fucking hate you and vomit forth acidic vehemence from instruments on the verge of collapse. Both bands draw inspiration from harsh noise, powerviolence and grind. However, as fucked up as Cadaver Eyes is, Burmese's low end bully rape wins.


  1. cant wait to hear this one!

  2. Black stuff, black blog. I will follow.

  3. Hallo! I have a question for you, purveyor of all things vicious, sublime and delightfully strange! A long time ago I had a CD by a guy named DJ Wally. The cover of it looked like a Warner Bros. cartoon ending, and it had a title something like the Stoned Ranger. Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you have it? Would so love to hear it again!

    Thanks for all the time you put into this.
    You've definitely expanded my appreciation of sounds I wouldn't normally get to hear. Love it!!!

  4. BURMESE is one of the best things the might Hearse has brought to my ears. Thank you.

  5. Fucking awesome CD. I actually own a copy of this... and I have you to thank, as you turned me onto Burmese to start with by posting their albums.

  6. "low end bully rape"

    Now that is a phrase!

  7. Yeah, I crank this one in my car quite often. I just got an e-mail from Weasel Walter (who's a member of Burmese these days) and they are releasing a Burmese anthology of all their vinyl-only releases on CD soon, which has me super excited since I am turntable-deficient.

  8. 7 minute jerkout (don't get any on you)June 3, 2010 at 11:46 PM

    Their hatred would be trebled if they were straightedge. X

  9. Have you ever thought about putting your top 10 or 20 albums up on here?

  10. No, Tyler, only because my top 20 favorite albums have either already appeared here or aren't particularly rare or unheard of.

  11. Aesop,

    If you wish, you may post all the albums i have sent you through the mail.
    Thanks for the support AND for spreading the stuff !!
    Much appreciation from me !


    PS: If some of you wish to get a physical copy of the Burmese/Cadaver Eyes split cd (still have some copies!)or send a dollar or two through paypal, get in touch with me :
    All the best !

  12. Oh I kind of meant just in list form, I'm a sucker for reading those for whatever reason, but whatever. This album is killer shit, music to hurt people to.

  13. Tyler, you might be interested in this

  14. I still remember fearing what Burmese would do on stage when they lived in Iowa City. Incredible band.
