Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This record, Demon Priest, by a band called Syudan Jisatsu (Mass suicide,) was released in 1991 and has been the source of much conjecture amongst the collector set. First it was rumored that Sakevi of GISM sings on this (it does sound like him,) then it was said that this was a very thorough tribute to classic Japanese hardcore performed by a bunch of anonymous Finns. I don't know any more about this than anyone else. I do know that it kicks ass.


  1. The four-character code I entered on the megaupload.com page was ASS8.


  2. this certainly does rule....i looked around for some info but it was pretty much what you had put up. oh well, any band that sounds like this, i don't give a fuck where they were from, they kill.

  3. Damn - that does sound like Sakevi...weird!!!

  4. Yes...I always appreciate the competent drumming of "Erotic Guy Machine". Thanks.

  5. I like this almost only blog you can trust...

  6. Second song sounds like Faith!

  7. if I'm not mistaken this is Selfish/Forca Macabra members.

  8. Yep, I'm pretty sure Otto (Selfish/Forca macabra etc) is behind this.

  9. I remember rumors of this being Zouo.

  10. I work in an English school in Korea. The school runs a kindergarten program during the morning and early afternoon. At lunchtime, I was in the staffroom preparing a worksheet and listening to this EP. One of my five-year-old students wandered in and wanted to hear what I was listening to, so I gave her one earphone, expecting her to yank it back out after about three seconds. She didn't; a couple of minutes in, I asked her if she liked it and she said she did. She listened to the whole EP... and then complained when it was finished, telling me to play it again.

    True story.

  11. Thats awesome! you should make her a mix.

  12. Ha. Like I said, she's five; I can't imagine it going down well with her parents if I send a CD-R full of noisy, rebellious music home with her.
